46 CFR § 154.706 - Cargo boil-off as fuel: Fuel lines.

§ 154.706 Cargo boil-off as fuel: Fuel lines.

(a) Gas fuel lines must not pass through accommodation, service, or control spaces. Each gas fuel line passing through other spaces must have a master gas fuel valve and meet one of the following:

(1) The fuel line must be a double-walled piping system with the annular space containing an inert gas at a pressure greater than the fuel pressure. Visual and audible alarms must be installed at the machinery control station to indicate loss of inert gas pressure.

(2) The fuel line must be installed in a mechanically exhaust-ventilated pipe or duct, having a rate of air change of at least 30 changes per hour. The pressure in the space between the inner pipe and outer pipe or duct must be maintained at less than atmospheric pressure. Continuous gas detection must be installed to detect leaks in the ventilated space. The ventilation system must meet § 154.1205.

(b) Each double wall pipe or vent duct must terminate in the ventilation hood or casing under § 154.707(a). Continuous gas detection must be installed to indicate leaks in the hood or casing.