46 CFR § 194.05-7 - Explosives—Detail requirements.

§ 194.05-7 Explosives—Detail requirements.

(a) Except as otherwise provided by this part, Division 1.1 and 1.2 (explosive) materials (as defined in 49 CFR 173.50) and blasting-caps must be carried in magazines specifically fitted for that purpose as described by subpart 194.10 of this part.

(b) Class 1 (explosive) materials (as defined in 49 CFR 173.50) must be identified by their appropriate DOT classification.


(1) Compatibility of magazine stowage shall be in accordance with 49 CFR 176.144.

(2) Magazine chests, magazine vans, and deck stowage areas shall be separated by a distance of at least 25 feet if their contents are incompatible with each other. Reduction of this distance to allow for special configurations will be permitted only if specifically approved by the Commandant.

(d) On-deck stowage of unfused depth-charges or other unfused-case-type Class 1 (explosive) materials (as defined in 49 CFR 173.50) is authorized as follows:

(1) Stowage shall be in a location reasonably protected from the full force of boarding seas.

(2) Stowage shall be protected from direct exposure to the sun by overhead decks, awnings, or tarpaulins. Decks shall be constructed of incombustible materials; awnings and tarpaulins shall be fire-resistant and/or flame proof fabric.

(3) Items shall be properly secured by using existing vessel structures such as bulwarks, hatch coamings, shelter deck and poop bulkheads as part boundaries and effectively closing in the items by fitting angle bar closing means secured by bolting to clips or other parts of the ship's structure. Lashing of deck stowage is permitted provided eye pads or other suitable means are fitted to secure such lashings and provided the individual items are of such a configuration as to prevent slippage of the lashings. Shoring and dunnage may be used as necessary to further facilitate the security of the stowage.

(4) Stowage area shall be selected so as to provide for safe access to all internal spaces and to all parts of the deck required to be used in navigation and working of the vessel. Stowage shall not be on or under the bridge, or navigating deck, or within a distance, in a horizontal plane, of 25 feet of an operating or embarkation point of any lifeboat or raft. Reduction of this distance to allow for special configurations will be permitted only if specifically approved by the Commandant.

[CGFR 67-83, 33 FR 1151, Jan. 27, 1968, as amended by CGD 86-033, 53 FR 36027, Sept. 16, 1988; CGD 92-050, 59 FR 39966, Aug. 5, 1994; CGD 97-057, 62 FR 51051, Sept. 30, 1997]