46 CFR Appendix Exhibit No. 1 to Subpart O of Part 502 - Exhibit No. 1 to Subpart O [§ 502.252] of Part 502—Reparation Statement To Be Filed Pursuant to Rule 252

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Exhibit No. 1 to Subpart O [§ 502.252] of Part 502—Reparation Statement To Be Filed Pursuant to Rule 252

Claim of ____________________ under the decision of the Federal Maritime Commission in Docket No. ____________________.

Date of B/L Date of delivery or tender of delivery Date charges paid Vessel Voyage No. Port of origin Destination port Route Commodity Weight or measurement As charged Should be Reparation Charges paid by *
Rate Amount Rate Amount

*Here insert name of person paying charges in the first instance, and state whether as consignor, consignee, or in what other capacity.

Total amount of reparation $________________________________________.
The undersigned hereby certifies that this statement has been checked against the records of this company and found correct.
Date ________________________________________.
________________________________________ Steamship Company, Collecting Carrier Respondent,
By ________________________________________, Auditor
By ________________________________________, Claimant
________________________________________, Attorney
(address and date)