47 CFR § 27.1411 - Transition of the 3700-3980 MHz band to the 3.7 GHz Service.

§ 27.1411 Transition of the 3700-3980 MHz band to the 3.7 GHz Service.

(a) Transition of the 3700-3798 MHz Band. The 3700-3980 MHz band is being transitioned in the lower 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia from geostationary satellite orbit (GSO) fixed-satellite service (space-to-Earth) and fixed service operations to the 3.7 GHz Service.

(b) Definitions—(1) Incumbent space station operator. An incumbent space station operator is defined as a space station operator authorized to provide C-band service to any part of the contiguous United States pursuant to an FCC-issued license or grant of market access as of June 21, 2018.

(2) Eligible space station operator. For purposes of determining eligibility to receive reimbursement for relocation costs incurred as a result of the transition of FSS operations to the 4000-4200 MHz band, an eligible space station operators may receive reimbursement for relocation costs incurred as a result of the transition of FSS operations to the 4000-4200 MHz band. An eligible space station operator is defined as an incumbent space station operator that has demonstrated as of February 1, 2020, that it has an existing relationship to provide service via C-band satellite transmission to one or more incumbent earth stations in the contiguous United States. Such existing relationships may be directly with the incumbent earth station, or indirectly through content distributors or other entities, so long as the relationship requires the provision of C-band satellite services to one or more specific incumbent earth stations in the contiguous United States.

(3) Incumbent earth station. An incumbent earth station for this subpart is defined as an earth station that is entitled to interference protection pursuant to § 25.138(c) of this chapter. An incumbent earth station must transition above 4000 MHz pursuant to this subpart. An incumbent earth station will be able to continue receiving uninterrupted service both during and after the transition.

(4) Earth station migration. Earth station migration includes any necessary changes that allow the uninterrupted reception of service by an incumbent earth station on new frequencies in the upper portion of the band, including, but not limited to retuning and repointing antennas, “dual illumination” during which the same programming is simultaneously downlinked over the original and new frequencies, and the installation of new equipment or software at earth station uplink and/or downlink locations for customers identified for technology upgrades necessary to facilitate the repack, such as compression technology or modulation.

(5) Earth station filtering. A passband filter must be installed at the site of each incumbent earth station at the same time or after it has been migrated to new frequencies to block signals from adjacent channels and to prevent harmful interference from licensees in the 3.7 GHz Service. Earth station filtering can occur either simultaneously with, or after, the earth station migration, or can occur at any point after the earth station migration so long as all affected earth stations in a given Partial Economic Area and surrounding areas are filtered prior to a licensee in the 3.7 GHz Service commencing operations.

(6) Contiguous United States (CONUS). For the purposes of the rules established in this subpart, contiguous United States consists of the contiguous 48 states and the District of Columbia as defined by Partial Economic Areas Nos. 1-41, 43-211, 213-263, 265-297, 299-359, and 361-411, which includes areas within 12 nautical miles of the U.S. Gulf coastline (see § 27.6(m)). In this context, the rest of the United States includes the Honolulu, Anchorage, Kodiak, Fairbanks, Juneau, Puerto Rico, Guam-Northern Mariana Islands, U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and the Gulf of Mexico PEAs.

(7) Relocation Payment Clearinghouse. A Relocation Payment Clearinghouse is a neutral, independent third-party to administer the cost management for the transition of the 3700-4000 MHz band from the Fixed Satellite Service and Fixed Service to the 3.7 GHz Service.

(8) Relocation Coordinator. A Relocation Coordinator is a third party that will ensure that all incumbent space station operators are relocating in a timely matter, and that is selected consistent with § 27.1413. The Relocation Coordinator will have technical experience in understanding and working on earth stations and will manage the migration and filtering of incumbent earth stations of eligible space station operators that decline accelerated relocation payment.