47 CFR § 54.1801 - Participating providers.

§ 54.1801 Participating providers.

(a) Eligible telecommunications carriers. A broadband provider that is designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier may participate in the Affordable Connectivity Program as a participating provider.

(b) Other broadband providers. A broadband provider that is not designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier may seek approval from the Wireline Competition Bureau to participate in the Affordable Connectivity Program as a participating provider.

(1) The Wireline Competition Bureau shall review and act on applications to be designated as a participating provider on an expedited basis. Such applications shall contain:

(i) The states or territories in which the provider plans to participate;

(ii) The service areas in which the provider has the authority, if needed, to operate in each State or territory, but has not been designated an eligible telecommunications carrier; and,

(iii) Certifications of the provider's plan to combat waste, fraud, and abuse, which shall:

(A) Confirm a household's eligibility for the Program through either the National Verifier or a Commission-approved eligibility verification process prior to seeking reimbursement for the respective subscriber;

(B) Follow all enrollment requirements and obtain all certifications as required by the Program, including providing eligible households with information describing the Program's eligibility requirements, one-per-household rule, and enrollment procedures;

(C) Interact with the necessary Administrator systems, including the National Verifier, National Lifeline Accountability Database, and Representative Accountability Database, before submitting claims for reimbursement, including performing the necessary checks to ensure the household is not receiving duplicative benefits within the Program;

(D) De-enroll from the Program any household it has a reasonable basis to believe is no longer eligible to receive the benefit consistent with Program requirements;

(E) Comply with the Program's document retention requirements and agree to make such documentation available to the Commission or USAC, upon request or any entities (for example, auditors) operating on their behalf; and

(F) Agree to the Commission's enforcement and forfeiture authority.

(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the Wireline Competition Bureau shall automatically approve as a participating provider a broadband provider that has an established program as of April 1, 2020, that is widely available and offers internet service offerings to eligible households and maintains verification processes that are sufficient to avoid fraud, waste, and abuse. Such applications seeking automatic approval shall contain:

(i) The States or territories in which the provider plans to participate;

(ii) The service areas in which the provider has the authority, if needed, to operate in each State or territory, but has not been designated an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier; and,

(iii) A description, supported by documentation, of the established program with which the provider seeks to qualify for automatic admission to the Affordable Connectivity Program.

(c) Election notice. All participating providers shall file an election notice with the Administrator. The election notice shall be submitted in a manner and form consistent with the direction of the Wireline Competition Bureau and the Administrator. All participating providers shall maintain up-to-date contact and other administrative information contained in the election notice as designated by the Wireline Competition Bureau and the Administrator. These updates shall be made within 10 business days of the change in designated information contained in the election notice. The election notice shall be made under penalty of perjury or perjury and at a minimum should contain:

(1) The states or territories in which the provider plans to participate in the Affordable Connectivity Program;

(2) A statement that, in each State or territory, the provider was a “broadband provider;”

(3) A list of states or territories where the provider is an existing Eligible Telecommunications Carrier, if any;

(4) A list of states or territories where the provider received Wireline Competition Bureau approval, whether automatic or expedited, to participate, if any;

(5) Whether the provider intends to distribute connected devices, and if so, documentation and information detailing the equipment, co-pay amount charged to eligible households, and market value of the connected devices in compliance with the rules and orders of the Affordable Connectivity Program; and

(6) Any other information necessary to establish the participating provider in the Administrator's systems.

(d) Alternative verification process application. In accordance with § 54.1806(a)(2), all participating providers seeking to verify household eligibility with an alternative verification process shall submit an application in a manner and form consistent with the direction of Wireline Competition Bureau. All participating providers shall maintain up-to-date information contained in the application as designated by the Wireline Competition Bureau. These updates shall be made within 10 business days of the change in designated information. The alternative verification process application shall be made under penalty of perjury and at a minimum should contain:

(1) A description of how the participating provider will collect a prospective subscriber's—

(i) Full name,

(ii) Phone number,

(iii) Date of birth,

(iv) Email address,

(v) Home and mailing addresses,

(vi) Name and date of birth of the benefit qualifying person if different than applicant,

(vii) Household eligibility criteria and documentation supporting verification of eligibility, and

(viii) Certifications from the household that the information included in the application is true.

(2) A description of the process the participating provider uses to verify the required subscriber information contained in paragraph (d)(1) of this section and why this process is sufficient to prevent waste, fraud, and abuse,

(3) A description of the training the participating provider uses for its employees and agents to prevent ineligible enrollments, including enrollments based on fabricated documents,

(4) A description of why any of the criteria contained in paragraphs (d)(1) through (3) of this section is not necessary to prevent waste, fraud, and abuse if any of the criteria are not part of the alternative verification process, and

(5) A description of why the participating provider's established program requires approval of an alternative verification process and why the participating provider proposes to use an alternative verification process instead of the National Verifier for eligibility determinations.

(e) Voluntary withdrawal or involuntary removal of participating providers from the Affordable Connectivity Program—(1) Definitions. For purposes of this paragraph (e):

(i) Removal. Removal means involuntary discontinuation of a provider's participation in the Affordable Connectivity Program pursuant to the process outlined in paragraphs (e)(2)(ii) and (iii) of this section.

(ii) Suspension. Suspension means exclusion of a participating provider from activities related to the Affordable Connectivity Program for a temporary period pending completion of a removal proceeding.

(2) Suspension and removal—(i) Suspension and removal in general. The Commission may suspend and/or remove a participating provider for any of the causes in paragraph (e)(2)(ii) of this section. Suspension or removal of a participating provider constitutes suspension or removal of all its divisions, other organizational elements, and individual officers and employees, unless the Commission limits the application of the suspension or removal to specifically identified divisions, other organizational elements, or individuals or to specific types of transactions.

(ii) Causes for suspension or removal. Causes for suspension or removal are any of the following:

(A) Violations of the rules or requirements of the Affordable Connectivity Program, the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program, the Lifeline program, the Emergency Connectivity Fund or successor programs, or any of the Commission's Universal Service Fund programs;

(B) Any action that indicates a lack of business integrity or business honesty that seriously and directly affects the provider's responsibilities under the Affordable Connectivity Program, that undermines the integrity of the Affordable Connectivity Program, or that harms or threatens to harm prospective or existing program participants, including without limitation fraudulent enrollments.

(C) A conviction or civil judgment for attempt or commission of fraud, theft, embezzlement, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, false statements, receiving stolen property, making false claims, obstruction of justice, or similar offense, that arises out of activities related to the Affordable Connectivity Program, the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program, the Lifeline program, the Emergency Connectivity Fund or successor programs, or any of the Commission's Universal Service Fund programs.

(iii) Suspension and removal procedures. The following procedures apply to the suspension and removal of a participating provider:

(A) The Chief of the Wireline Competition Bureau or Enforcement Bureau will commence a removal proceeding by providing to the participating provider a notice via electronic mail and/or U.S. mail setting forth the legal and factual bases for the initiation of the removal proceeding (as well as notice of any interim measures taken under paragraph (e)(2)(iii)(B) of this section and reasons therefor) and informing the provider of its duty to respond within 30 days of the date of the notice.

(B) Concurrent with the issuance of such notice commencing the removal proceeding, or at any time before a final determination in the proceeding is rendered, the Chief of the Wireline Competition Bureau or Enforcement Bureau may, in light of the facts and circumstances set forth in the notice commencing the removal proceeding, and with notice to the provider of this interim measure, direct that the participating provider be removed from the Commission's list of providers, from the Administrator's Companies Near Me Tool, or from any similar records, and also may direct the Administrator to temporarily suspend the provider's ability to enroll or transfer in new subscribers during the pendency of the removal proceeding. Any such interim actions may be taken only {i} if based upon adequate evidence of willful misconduct that would warrant removal under paragraph (e)(2)(ii) of this section, and {ii} after determining that immediate action is necessary to protect the public interest. In addition, the Chief of the Wireline Competition Bureau or Enforcement Bureau may also direct, with notice to the provider, that an interim funding hold (or partial hold) be placed on the provider upon a determination that there is adequate evidence that the provider's misconduct is likely to cause or has already resulted in improper claims for Affordable Connectivity Program reimbursement and is necessary to protect the public interest. Any funding hold should be tailored in a manner that relates to and is proportionate to the alleged misconduct.

(C) The participating provider shall respond within 30 days of the date of the notice commencing the removal proceeding with any relevant evidence demonstrating that a rule violation or other conduct warranting removal has not in fact occurred and that the provider should not be removed from the Affordable Connectivity Program. Failure to respond or to provide evidence in a timely manner will result in a finding against the provider, removal from the program, and revocation of the provider's authorization to participate in the Affordable Connectivity Program.

(D) Within 30 days of receiving the response, the Chief of the Wireline Competition Bureau or Enforcement Bureau will make a determination and issue an order providing a detailed explanation for the determination. If the Chief of the Wireline Competition Bureau or Enforcement Bureau determines that a preponderance of the evidence fails to demonstrate that there has been conduct warranting removal, then any measures taken under paragraph (e)(2)(iii)(B) of this section will be discontinued immediately. If the Chief of the Wireline Competition Bureau or Enforcement Bureau determines by a preponderance of the evidence that there has been conduct warranting removal, the provider's authorization to participate in the Affordable Connectivity Program will be revoked, and the provider shall be immediately removed from the program. Upon removal from the program, the former participating provider shall be barred from seeking to rejoin, and from participating in, the Affordable Connectivity Program for at least five years, or such longer period as provided for in the order, based upon review of all relevant circumstances. Any such providers will be similarly barred from participation in any Affordable Connectivity Program successor program during the removal period determined under the order.

(E) A provider may request reconsideration of the Bureau Chief's determination under paragraph (e)(2)(iii)(D) of this section or submit a request for review by the full Commission pursuant to the Commission's rules. See §§ 1.106, 1.115 of this chapter. A provider may also seek a stay of the Bureau Chief's determination under §§ 1.43 and 1.102(b)(3) of this chapter.

(3) Voluntary withdrawal. A participating provider may withdraw its election to participate in the Affordable Connectivity Program by submitting a written notice of voluntary withdrawal to the Administrator at least 90 days before the intended effective date of the withdrawal. The notice of voluntary withdrawal shall include statements that the provider is complying with each of the transition provisions set forth in paragraph (d)(4) of this section.

(4) Transition provisions for participating providers that are removed or that voluntarily withdraw from the program and their subscribers.

(i) A participating provider shall cease to enroll or transfer in new households or to advertise or market the discounted rates for its services subject to the affordable connectivity benefit—

(A) Immediately upon the effective date of the final removal determination, unless the provider has already been precluded on an interim basis from transferring in or enrolling new households; or

(B) At least 90 days before the effective date of the provider's voluntary withdrawal from the program.

(ii) A participating provider shall provide notices regarding its removal from the program to its existing eligible household subscribers to which it provides service at discounted rates subject to the affordable connectivity benefit.

(A) The provider shall issue the first notice within 30 days of the removal determination and the second notice at least 15 days before the effective date of the provider's removal from the Affordable Connectivity Program.

(B) Such notices shall include—

(1) A statement that the participating provider will be removed from and no longer be participating in the Affordable Connectivity Program;

(2) The effective date of the provider's removal from the Affordable Connectivity Program;

(3) A statement that upon the effective date of the removal, the service purchased by the eligible household will no longer be available from the provider at the discounted rate subject to the affordable connectivity benefit;

(4) The amount that the eligible household will be expected to pay if it continues purchasing the service from the provider after the discounted rate is no longer available;

(5) An explanation that in order to continue receiving internet service with an affordable connectivity benefit after the provider has been removed from the program, the eligible household must transfer its affordable connectivity benefit to a different participating provider;

(6) Information on how to locate providers participating in the Affordable Connectivity Program, including the web address for USAC's Companies Near Me tool, any provider listing published by the Commission, and other resources as applicable;

(7) Instructions on how to find and select a new participating provider and to request such a transfer;

(8) The provider's customer service telephone number and the telephone number and email address of the Administrator's Affordable Connectivity Program support center; and

(9) Other information as determined by the Wireline Competition Bureau.

(iii) A participating provider shall provide written notices regarding its voluntary withdrawal from the program to its existing eligible household subscribers to which it provides service at discounted rates subject to the affordable connectivity benefit.

(A) The provider shall issue such notices 90 days, 60 days, and 30 days before the effective date of the provider's voluntary withdrawal from the program.

(B) Such notices shall include—

(1) The date when the service purchased by the eligible household will no longer be available from the provider at the discounted rate subject to the affordable connectivity benefit;

(2) The amount that the eligible household will be expected to pay if it continues purchasing the service from the provider after the affordable connectivity program discount is no longer available and the effective date of the new rate;

(3) An explanation that in order to continue receiving internet service with an affordable connectivity benefit after the provider withdraws from the Affordable Connectivity Program, the eligible household shall transfer its affordable connectivity benefit to a different participating provider;

(4) Instructions on how to find and select a new participating provider and to request such a transfer;

(5) Information on how to locate providers participating in the Affordable Connectivity Program, including the web address for the Administrator's Companies Near Me tool, any provider listing published by the Commission, and other resources as applicable; and

(6) The provider's customer service telephone number and the telephone number and email address of the Administrator's Affordable Connectivity Program support center.

(iv) A provider shall continue providing service to its existing eligible household subscribers at discounted rates subject to the affordable connectivity benefit—

(A) Until the date 60 days after the effective date of the removal or order; or

(B) Until the effective date of its voluntary withdrawal from the program.

(v) A provider that has been removed or that has voluntarily withdrawn from the program may continue to request and receive reimbursements from the Administrator for the amount of the affordable connectivity benefit discounts that it provided to eligible household subscribers during the required 60 days following removal or until voluntary withdrawal, subject to the deadline for filing reimbursement claims.

(vi) The provider shall retain records demonstrating its compliance with these transition requirements.

(f) Annual certification by participating providers. An officer of the participating provider who oversees Affordable Connectivity Program business activities shall annually certify, under the penalty of perjury, that the participating provider has policies and procedures in place to comply with all Affordable Connectivity Program rules and procedures. This annual certification shall be made in a manner prescribed by the Wireline Competition Bureau and the Administrator. At a minimum, the annual certification requires the aforementioned officer of the participating provider attest to:

(1) The participating provider having policies and procedures in place to ensure that its enrolled households are eligible to receive Affordable Connectivity Program support;

(2) The participating provider having policies and procedures in place to ensure it accurately and completely provides information to required administrative systems, including the National Verifier, National Lifeline Accountability Database, Representative Accountability Database, and other Administrator Systems; and,

(3) The participating provider acknowledging that:

(i) It is subject to the Commission's enforcement, fine, or forfeiture authority under the Communications Act;

(ii) It is liable for violations of the Affordable Connectivity Program rules and that its liability extends to violations by its agents, contractors, and representatives;

(iii) Failure to be in compliance and remain in compliance with the Affordable Connectivity Program rules and orders, or for its agents, contractors, or representatives to fail to be in compliance, may result in the denial of funding, cancellation of funding commitments, and the recoupment of past disbursements; and

(iv) Failure to comply with the rules and orders governing the Affordable Connectivity Program could result in civil or criminal prosecution by law enforcement authorities.