47 CFR § 54.601 - Health care provider eligibility.

§ 54.601 Health care provider eligibility.
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 1845, Jan. 11, 2024.

(a) Eligible health care providers.

(1) Only an entity that is either a public or non-profit health care provider, as defined in this subpart, shall be eligible to receive support under this subpart.

(2) Each separate site or location of a health care provider shall be considered an individual health care provider for purposes of calculating and limiting support under this subpart.

(b) Determination of health care provider eligibility for the Healthcare Connect Fund Program. Health care providers in the Healthcare Connect Fund Program may certify to the eligibility of particular sites at any time prior to, or concurrently with, filing a request for services to initiate competitive bidding for the site. Applicants who utilize a competitive bidding exemption must provide eligibility information for the site to the Administrator prior to, or concurrently with, filing a request for funding for the site. Health care providers must also notify the Administrator within 30 days of a change in the health care provider's name, site location, contact information, or eligible entity type.

Effective Date Note:
At 89 FR 1845, Jan. 11, 2024, § 54.601 was amended by revising paragraph (b) and adding paragraph (c), however this paragraph is delayed indefinitely.