47 CFR § 80.363 - Frequencies for facsimile.

§ 80.363 Frequencies for facsimile.

(a) The non-paired frequencies with F1C, F3C, J2C or J3C emission which are assignable to ship and public coast stations for facsimile are as follows:

(1) Ship station frequencies. The following frequencies are available for use by authorized ship stations for facsimile.

Assignable Ship Frequencies for Facsimile (kHz)

2070.5 4154 6235 8302 12370 16551 18848 22182 25123
2072.5 4170 6259 8338 12418 16615 18868 22238 25159

(2) Coast station frequencies. The following table describes the exclusive maritime mobile HF frequency bands that are available for assignment to coast stations using 3 kHz channels for facsimile. However, any frequency in the 2000-27500 kHz bands listed in part 2 of the Commission's Rules as available for shared use by the maritime mobile service and other radio services, except for the 4000-4063 kHz and the 8100-8195 kHz bands, is available for assignment to coast stations for facsimile. Frequency assignments are subject to coordination with government users.

Frequency Bands for Coast Facsimile (kHz)

4221.0- 4351.0 16904.5-17242.0
6332.5- 6501.0 19705.0-19755.0
8438.0- 8707.0 22445.5-22696.0
12658.5-13077.0 26122.5-26145.0

(b) The frequencies in the 156-162 MHz band available for assignment to public coast stations that are contained in § 80.371(c) of this part are also available for facsimile communications between ship and coast stations using F2C or F3C emission.

(c) The frequency 156.425 MHz is assigned by rule to private coast stations and ship stations in Alaska for ship-to-shore and ship-to-ship facsimile transmissions using F2C or F3C emissions.

[51 FR 31213, Sept. 2, 1986, as amended at 54 FR 40059, Sept. 29, 1989; 56 FR 9893, Mar. 8, 1991; 57 FR 43407, Sept. 21, 1992; 62 FR 40307, July 28, 1997; 68 FR 46970, Aug. 7, 2003]