47 CFR § 90.532 - Licensing of the 758-769 MHz and 788-799 MHz bands; first responder network authority license and renewal.

§ 90.532 Licensing of the 758-769 MHz and 788-799 MHz bands; first responder network authority license and renewal.

Pursuant to Section 6201 of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012, Public Law 112-96, 126 Stat. 156 (2012), a nationwide license for use of the 758-769 MHz and 788-799 MHz bands shall be issued to the First Responder Network Authority for an initial license term of ten years from the date of the initial issuance of the license. Prior to expiration of the term of such initial license, the First Responder Network Authority shall submit to the Commission an application for the renewal of such license. Such renewal application shall demonstrate that, during the preceding license term, the First Responder Network Authority has met the duties and obligations set forth under the foregoing Act. A renewal license shall be for a term not to exceed ten years.

[86 FR 70750, Dec. 13, 2021]