48 CFR § 11.105 - Items peculiar to one manufacturer.

11.105 Items peculiar to one manufacturer.

Agency requirements shall not be written so as to require a particular brand name, product, or a feature of a product, peculiar to one manufacturer, thereby precluding consideration of a product manufactured by another company, unless—


(1) The particular brand name, product, or feature is essential to the Government's requirements, and market research indicates other companies' similar products, or products lacking the particular feature, do not meet, or cannot be modified to meet, the agency's minimum needs;


(i) The authority to contract without providing for full and open competition is supported by the required justifications and approvals (see 6.302-1); or

(ii) The basis for not providing for maximum practicable competition is documented in the file (see 13.106-1(b)) or justified (see 13.501) when the acquisition is awarded using simplified acquisition procedures.

(3) The documentation or justification is posted for acquisitions over $25,000. (See 5.102(a)(6).)

(b) For multiple award schedule orders, see 8.405-6.

(c) For orders under indefinite-quantity contracts, see 16.505(a)(4).

[60 FR 48238, Sept. 18, 1995, as amended at 61 FR 39192, July 26, 1996; 62 FR 263, Jan. 2, 1997; 62 FR 10710, Mar. 10, 1997. Redesignated and amended at 64 FR 32742, June 17, 1999; 71 FR 57360, Sept. 28, 2006; 77 FR 193, Jan. 3, 2012]