48 CFR § 1252.222-70 - Strikes or Picketing Affecting Timely Completion of the Contract Work.

1252.222-70 Strikes or Picketing Affecting Timely Completion of the Contract Work.

As prescribed in 1222.101-71(a), insert the following clause:

Strikes or Picketing Affecting Timely Completion of the Contract Work (NOV 2022)

Notwithstanding any other provision hereof, the Contractor is responsible for delays arising out of labor disputes, including but not limited to strikes, if such strikes are reasonably avoidable. A delay caused by a strike or by picketing which constitutes an unfair labor practice is not excusable unless the Contractor takes all reasonable and appropriate action to end such a strike or picketing, such as the filing of a charge with the National Labor Relations Board, the use of other available Government procedures, and the use of private boards or organizations for the settlement of disputes.

(End of clause)