48 CFR § 1252.239-78 - Validated Cryptography for Secure Communications.

1252.239-78 Validated Cryptography for Secure Communications.

As prescribed in 1239.7204(c), insert a clause substantially as follows:

Validated Cryptography for Secure Communications (NOV 2022)

(a) The Contractor shall use only cryptographic mechanisms that comply with ___ [Contracting Officer insert FIPS 140-2 level #]. All deliverables shall be labeled ___ [Contracting Officer insert appropriate label such as “For Official Use Only” (FOUO) or other DOT-agency selected designation per document sensitivity].

(b) External transmission/dissemination of ___ [Contracting Officer fill-in: e.g., labeled deliverables] to or from a Government computer must be encrypted. Certified encryption modules must be used in accordance with ___ [Contracting Officer shall insert the standard, such as FIPS PUB 140-2, “Security requirements for Cryptographic Modules.”

(End of clause)