48 CFR § 252.217-7005 - Inspection and manner of doing work.

252.217-7005 Inspection and manner of doing work.

As prescribed in 217.7104(a), use the following clause:

Inspection and Manner of Doing Work (JUL 2009)

(a) The Contractor shall perform work in accordance with the job order, any drawings and specifications made a part of the job order, and any change or modification issued under the Changes clause of the Master Agreement.


(1) Except as provided in paragraph (b) (2) of this clause, and unless otherwise specifically provided in the job order, all operational practices of the Contractor and all workmanship, material, equipment, and articles used in the performance of work under the Master Agreement shall be in accordance with the best commercial marine practices and the rules and requirements of the American Bureau of Shipping, the U.S. Coast Guard, and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, in effect at the time of Contractor's submission of bid (or acceptance of the job order, if negotiated).

(2) When Navy specifications are specified in the job order, the Contractor shall follow Navy standards of material and workmanship. The solicitation shall prescribe the Navy standard whenever applicable.

(c) The Government may inspect and test all material and workmanship at any time during the Contractor's performance of the work.

(1) If, prior to delivery, the Government finds any material or workmanship is defective or not in accordance with the job order, in addition to its rights under the Guarantees clause of the Master Agreement, the Government may reject the defective or nonconforming material or workmanship and require the Contractor to correct or replace it at the Contractor's expense.

(2) If the Contractor fails to proceed promptly with the replacement or correction of the material or workmanship, the Government may replace or correct the defective or nonconforming material or workmanship and charge the Contractor the excess costs incurred.

(3) As specified in the job order, the Contractor shall provide and maintain an inspection system acceptable to the Government.

(4) The Contractor shall maintain complete records of all inspection work and shall make them available to the Government during performance of the job order and for 90 days after the completion of all work required.

(d) The Contractor shall not permit any welder to work on a vessel unless the welder is, at the time of the work, qualified to the standards established by the U.S. Coast Guard, American Bureau of Shipping, or Department of the Navy for the type of welding being performed. Qualifications of a welder shall be as specified in the job order.

(e) The Contractor shall—

(1) Exercise reasonable care to protect the vessel from fire;

(2) Maintain a reasonable system of inspection over activities taking place in the vicinity of the vessel's magazines, fuel oil tanks, or storerooms containing flammable materials;

(3) Maintain a reasonable number of hose lines ready for immediate use on the vessel at all times while the vessel is berthed alongside the Contractor's pier or in dry dock or on a marine railway;

(4) Unless otherwise provided in a job order, provide sufficient security patrols to reasonably maintain a fire watch for protection of the vessel when it is in the Contractor's custody;

(5) To the extent necessary, clean, wash, and steam out or otherwise make safe, all tanks under alteration or repair;

(6) Furnish the Contracting Officer or designated representative with a copy of the “gas-free” or “safe-for-hotwork” certificate, provided by a Marine Chemist or Coast Guard authorized person in accordance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations (29 CFR 1915.14) before any hot work is done on a tank;

(7) Treat the contents of any tank as Government property in accordance with the Government Property clause; and

(8) Dispose of the contents of any tank only at the direction, or with the concurrence, of the Contracting Officer.

(f) Except as otherwise provided in the job order, when the vessel is in the custody of the Contractor or in dry dock or on a marine railway and the temperature is expected to go as low as 35 °F, the Contractor shall take all necessary steps to—

(1) Keep all hose pipe lines, fixtures, traps, tanks, and other receptacles on the vessel from freezing; and

(2) Protect the stern tube and propeller hubs from frost damage.

(g) The Contractor shall, whenever practicable—

(1) Perform the required work in a manner that will not interfere with the berthing and messing of Government personnel attached to the vessel; and

(2) Provide Government personnel attached to the vessel access to the vessel at all times.

(h) Government personnel attached to the vessel shall not interfere with the Contractor's work or workers.


(1) The Government does not guarantee the correctness of the dimensions, sizes, and shapes set forth in any job order, sketches, drawings, plans, or specifications prepared or furnished by the Government, unless the job order requires that the Contractor perform the work prior to any opportunity to inspect.

(2) Except as stated in paragraph (i)(1) of this clause, and other than those parts furnished by the Government, the Contractor shall be responsible for the correctness of the dimensions, sizes, and shapes of parts furnished under this agreement.

(j) The Contractor shall at all times keep the site of the work on the vessel free from accumulation of waste material or rubbish caused by its employees or the work. At the completion of the work, unless the job order specifies otherwise, the Contractor shall remove all rubbish from the site of the work and leave the immediate vicinity of the work area “broom clean.”

(End of clause)
[56 FR 36479, July 31, 1991, as amended at 62 FR 2614, Jan. 17, 1997; 74 FR 37647, July 29, 2009]