48 CFR § 252.225-7061 - Restriction on the Acquisition of Personal Protective Equipment and Certain Other Items from Non-Allied Foreign Nations.

252.225-7061 Restriction on the Acquisition of Personal Protective Equipment and Certain Other Items from Non-Allied Foreign Nations.

As prescribed in 225.7023-4, use the following clause:

Restriction on the Acquisition of Personal Protective Equipment and Certain Other Items From Non-Allied Foreign Nations (JAN 2023)

(a) Definitions. As used in this clause—

Covered country means—

(1) The Democratic People's Republic of North Korea;

(2) The People's Republic of China;

(3) The Russian Federation; and

(4) The Islamic Republic of Iran.

Covered item means an article or item of—

(1) Personal protective equipment for use in preventing spread of disease, such as by exposure to infected individuals or contamination or infection by infectious material, including—

(i) Nitrile and vinyl gloves;

(ii) Surgical masks;

(iii) Respirator masks and powered air purifying respirators and required filters;

(iv) Face shields and protective eyewear;

(v) Surgical and isolation gowns and head and foot coverings; or

(vi) Clothing; and

(vii) The materials and components thereof, other than sensors, electronics, or other items added to and not normally associated with such personal protective equipment or clothing; or

(2) Sanitizing and disinfecting wipes, testing swabs, gauze, and bandages.

(b) Restriction. The Contractor shall not deliver under this contract a covered item from a covered country (10 U.S.C. 4875).

(c) Subcontracts. The Contractor shall insert this clause, including this paragraph (c), without alteration other than to identify the appropriate parties, in subcontracts valued above $150,000 that are for the acquisition of covered items, including subcontracts for commercial products, including commercially available off-the-shelf items, and commercial services.

(End of clause)

[88 FR 6603, Jan. 31, 2023]