48 CFR § 252.227-7006 - License grant—running royalty.

252.227-7006 License grant—running royalty.

As prescribed at 227.7009-4(a), insert the following clause in patent releases, license agreements, and assignments:

License Grant—Running Royalty (AUG 1984)

(a) The Contractor hereby grants to the Government, as represented by the Secretary of __________, an irrevocable, nonexclusive, nontransferable license under the following patents, applications for patent, and any patents granted on such applications, and under any patents which may issue as the result of any reissue, division, or continuation thereunder to practice by or cause to be practiced for the Department of ________, throughout the world, any and all of the inventions thereunder in the manufacture and use of any article or material, in the use of any method or process, and in the disposition of any article or material in accordance with law:

U.S. Patent No.
Application Serial No.
Filing Date
together with corresponding foreign patents and foreign applications for patent, insofar as the Contractor has the right to grant licenses thereunder without incurring an obligation to pay royalties or other compensation to others solely on account of such grant.

(b) No rights are granted or implied by the agreement under any other patents other than as provided above or by operation of law.

(c) Nothing contained herein shall limit any rights which the Government may have obtained by virtue of prior contracts or by operation of law or otherwise.

(End of clause)