48 CFR § 252.227-7009 - Reporting and payment of royalties.

252.227-7009 Reporting and payment of royalties.

As prescribed at 227.7009-4(d), insert the following clause in patent releases, license agreements, and assignments:

Reporting and Payment of Royalties (SEP 2019)

(a) The [insert the Contracting Officer or the name of the designated office, in accordance with agency procedures] shall, on or before the sixtieth (60th) day next following the end of each yearly* period ending ____________ during which royalties have accrued under this license, deliver to the Contractor, subject to military security regulations, a report in writing furnishing necessary information relative to royalties which have accrued under this contract.

* The frequency, date, and length of reporting periods should be selected as appropriate to the particular circumstances of the contract.

(b) Royalties which have accrued under this contract during the yearly* period ending ____________ shall be paid to the Contractor (if appropriations therefor are available or become available) within sixty (60) days next following the receipt of a voucher from the Contractor submitted in accordance with the report referred to in (a) of this clause; Provided, that the Government shall not be obligated to pay, in respect of any such yearly period, on account of the combined royalties accruing under this contract directly and under any separate licenses granted pursuant to the “License to Other Government Agencies” clause (if any) of this contract, an amount greater than ____________ dollars ($____________), and if such combined royalties exceed the said maximum yearly obligation, each department or agency shall pay a pro rata share of the said maximum yearly obligation as determined by the proportion its accrued royalties bear to the combined total of accrued royalties.

(End of clause)
[50 FR 12272, Mar. 28, 1985, as amended at 84 FR 48504, Sept. 13, 2019]