48 CFR § 36.301 - Use of two-phase design-build selection procedures.

(a) During formal or informal acquisition planning (see part 7), if considering the use of two-phase design-build selection procedures, the contracting officer shall conduct the evaluation in paragraph (b) of this section.

(b) The two-phase design-build selection procedures shall be used when the contracting officer determines that this method is appropriate, based on the following:

(1) Three or more offers are anticipated.

(2) Design work must be performed by offerors before developing price or cost proposals, and offerors will incur a substantial amount of expense in preparing offers.

(3) The following criteria have been considered:

(i) The extent to which the project requirements have been adequately defined.

(ii) The time constraints for delivery of the project.

(iii) The capability and experience of potential contractors.

(iv) The suitability of the project for use of the two-phase selection method.

(v) The capability of the agency to manage the two-phase selection process.

(vi) Other criteria established by the head of the contracting activity.