48 CFR § 42.1105 - Assignment of criticality designator.

42.1105 Assignment of criticality designator.

Contracting officers shall assign a criticality designator to each contract in the space for designating the contract administration office, as follows:

Criticality Designator Criterion
A Critical contracts, including DX-rated contracts (see subpart 11.6), contracts citing the authority in 6.302-2 (unusual and compelling urgency), and contracts for major systems.
B Contracts (other than those designated “A”) for items needed to maintain a Government or contractor production or repair line, to preclude out-of-stock conditions or to meet user needs for nonstock items.
C All contracts other than those designated “A” or “B.”
[48 FR 42370, Sept. 19, 1983, as amended at 50 FR 1745, Jan. 11, 1985; 50 FR 52429, Dec. 23, 1985; 60 FR 48249, Sept. 18, 1995]