48 CFR § 47.104-1 - Government rate tender procedures.

47.104-1 Government rate tender procedures.

(a) 49 U.S.C. 10721 and 13712 rates are published in Government rate tenders and apply to shipments moving for the account of the Government on—

(1) Commercial bills of lading endorsed to show that total transportation charges are assignable to, and will be reimbursed by, the Government (see the clause at 52.247-1, Commercial Bill of Lading Notations); and

(2) Government bills of lading.

(b) Agencies may negotiate with carriers for additional or revised 49 U.S.C. 10721 and 13712 rates in appropriate situations. Only personnel authorized in agency procedures may carry out these negotiations. The following are examples of situations in which negotiations for additional or revised 49 U.S.C. 10721 and 13712 rates may be appropriate:

(1) Volume movements are expected.

(2) Shipments will be made on a recurring basis between designated places, and substantial savings in transportation costs appear possible even though a volume movement is not involved.

(3) Transit arrangements are feasible and advantageous to the Government.

[71 FR 204, Jan. 3, 2006]