48 CFR § 9.400 - Scope of subpart.

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9.400 Scope of subpart.

(a) This subpart—

(1) Prescribes policies and procedures governing the debarment and suspension of contractors by agencies for the causes given in 9.406-2 and 9.407-2;

(2) Provides for the listing of contractors debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, and declared ineligible (see the definition of ineligible in 2.101); and

(3) Sets forth the consequences of this listing.

(b) Although this subpart does cover the listing of ineligible contractors (9.404) and the effect of this listing (9.405), it does not prescribe policies and procedures governing declarations of ineligibility except for contractors that have been declared ineligible pursuant to 10 U.S.C. 983 (see 9.110, and 9.405-1(b)).

(c) For Federal Acquisition Supply Chain Security Act (FASCSA) orders, see subpart 4.23.

[48 FR 42142, Sept. 19, 1983, as amended at 54 FR 19814, May 8, 1989; 66 FR 2128, Jan. 10, 2001; 85 FR 67621, Oct. 23, 2020; 86 FR 3678, Jan. 14, 2021; 88 FR 69513, Oct. 5, 2023]