48 CFR § 970.5200 - Scope of subpart.

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970.5200 Scope of subpart.

This subpart prescribes some of the solicitation provisions and contract clauses for use in management and operating contracts. The provisions and clauses contained in this subpart supplement the provisions and clauses prescribed in the FAR and in other parts of the DEAR (48 CFR 901 through 48 CFR 952), and, pursuant to the individual provision or clause prescription, are to be used in addition to or in place of such clauses. Management and operating contracts are hybrid contracts, in some cases including aspects of several FAR contract types, for example, supplies and construction. For some FAR solicitation provisions and contract clauses, this subpart prescribes their use despite the hybrid nature of the work required. To assist Departmental contracting personnel in determining the applicability of FAR and DEAR clauses to management and operating contracts, additional guidance is published and made available by the Office of Procurement and Assistance Policy, within the Headquarters procurement organization.