48 CFR Subpart 1352.2 - Subpart 1352.2—Text of Provisions and Clauses

  1. 1352.200 Scope of subpart.
  2. 1352.201-70 Contracting Officer's Authority.
  3. 1352.201-71 Ratification release.
  4. 1352.201-72 Contracting Officer's Representative (COR).
  5. 1352.208-70 Restrictions on printing and duplicating.
  6. 1352.209-70 Potential organizational conflict of interest.
  7. 1352.209-71 Limitation of future contracting.
  8. 1352.209-72 Restrictions against disclosure.
  9. 1352.209-73 Compliance with the laws.
  10. 1352.209-74 Organizational conflict of interest.
  11. 1352.209-75 Title 13 and non-disclosure requirements.
  12. 1352.213-70 Evaluation utilizing simplified acquisition procedures.
  13. 1352.213-71 Instructions for submitting quotations under the simplified acquisition threshold—non-commercial.
  14. 1352.215-70 Proposal preparation.
  15. 1352.215-71 Instructions for oral presentations.
  16. 1352.215-72 Inquiries.
  17. 1352.215-73 Evaluation quantities—indefinite quantity contract.
  18. 1352.215-74 Best value evaluation.
  19. 1352.215-75 Evaluation criteria.
  20. 1352.215-76 Cost or pricing data.
  21. 1352.216-70 Estimated and allowable costs.
  22. 1352.216-71 Level of effort (cost-plus-fixed-fee, term contract).
  23. 1352.216-72 Determination of award fee.
  24. 1352.216-73 Distribution of award fee.
  25. 1352.216-74 Task orders.
  26. 1352.216-75 Minimum and maximum contract amounts.
  27. 1352.216-76 Placement of orders.
  28. 1352.216-77 Ceiling price.
  29. 1352.219-70 Section 8(a) direct award (Deviation).
  30. 1352.219-71 Notification to delay performance (Deviation).
  31. 1352.219-72 Notification of competition limited to eligible 8(a) concerns, Alternate III (Deviation).
  32. 1352.227-70 Rights in data, assignment of copyright.
  33. 1352.228-70 Insurance coverage.
  34. 1352.228-71 Deductibles under required insurance coverage—cost reimbursement.
  35. 1352.228-72 Deductibles under required insurance coverage—fixed price.
  36. 1352.228-73 Loss of or damage to leased aircraft
  37. 1352.228-74 Fair market value of aircraft.
  38. 1352.228-75 Risk and indemnities.
  39. 1352.228-76 Approval of group insurance plans.
  40. 1352.228-77 Contractor assurance of subcontractor payments.
  41. 1352.231-70 Precontract costs.
  42. 1352.231-71 Duplication of effort.
  43. 1352.233-70 Agency protests.
  44. 1352.233-71 GAO and Court of Federal Claims protests.
  45. 1352.235-70 Protection of human subjects.
  46. 1352.235-71 Protection of human subjects—exemption.
  47. 1352.235-72 Protection of human subjects—institutional approval.
  48. 1352.235-73 Research involving human subjects—after initial contract award.
  49. 1352.237-70 Security processing requirements—high or moderate risk contracts.
  50. 1352.237-71 Security processing requirements—low risk contracts.
  51. 1352.237-72 Security processing requirements—national security contracts.
  52. 1352.237-73 Foreign national visitor and guest access to departmental resources.
  53. 1352.237-74 Progress reports.
  54. 1352.237-75 Key personnel.
  55. 1352.239-70 Software license addendum.
  56. 1352.239-71 Electronic and information technology.
  57. 1352.239-72 Security requirements for information technology resources.
  58. 1352.242-70 Postaward conference.
  59. 1352.245-70 Government furnished property.
  60. 1352.246-70 Place of acceptance.
  61. 1352.270-70 Period of performance.
  62. 1352.270-71 Pre-bid/pre-proposal conference and site visit.
  63. 1352.271-70 Inspection and manner of doing work.
  64. 1352.271-71 Method of payment and invoicing instructions for ship repair.
  65. 1352.271-72 Additional Item Requirements (AIR)—growth work
  66. 1352.271-73 Schedule of work.
  67. 1352.271-74 Foreseeable cost factors pertaining to different shipyard locations.
  68. 1352.271-75 Delivery and shifting of the vessel.
  69. 1352.271-76 Performance.
  70. 1352.271-77 Delays.
  71. 1352.271-78 Minimization of delay due to Government furnished property.
  72. 1352.271-79 Liability and insurance.
  73. 1352.271-80 Title.
  74. 1352.271-81 Discharge of liens.
  75. 1352.271-82 Department of Labor occupational safety and health standards for ship repair.
  76. 1352.271-83 Government review, comment, acceptance and approval.
  77. 1352.271-84 Access to the vessel.
  78. 1352.271-85 Documentation of requests for equitable adjustment.
  79. 1352.271-86 Lay days.
  80. 1352.271-87 Changes—ship repair.
  81. 1352.271-88 Guarantees.
  82. 1352.271-89 Temporary services.
  83. 1352.271-90 Insurance requirements.