49 CFR § 29.509 - What property management systems and standards must a Tribe maintain?

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§ 29.509 What property management systems and standards must a Tribe maintain?

(a) Property management system. A Tribe must maintain a property management system to account for all property acquired with funds included in a funding agreement, acquired with Federal funds awarded by the Department or the Department of the Interior, or obtained as excess or surplus Federal property to be used for activities under the Program. The property management system must address the use, care, maintenance, and disposition of such property as follows:

(1) Where title vests in the Tribe, in accordance with Tribal law and procedures; or

(2) In the case of a consortium, according to the internal property procedures of the consortium.

(b) Transit asset management. In addition to the property management system and standards in this section, property acquired with transit funds (chapter 53 of title 49 of the U.S. Code) is subject to the property management requirements set forth in 49 U.S.C. 5326 concerning the transit asset management plan, performance targets, and reports.

(c) Tracking requirements under a property management system. The property management system of a Tribe relating to property used under the Program must track:

(1) Personal property and rolling stock with an acquisition value in excess of $5,000 per item;

(2) Sensitive personal property, which is all personal property that is subject to theft and pilferage, as defined by the Tribe; and

(3) Real property.

(d) Records. The property management system must maintain records that accurately describe the property, including any serial number, vehicle identification number, or other identification number. These records should contain current information such as the source, titleholder, acquisition date, acquisition cost, share of Federal participation in the cost, location, use and current condition of the property, and the date of disposal and sale price, if any.

(e) Internal controls. The property management system must maintain effective internal controls that include, at a minimum, procedures for a Tribe to:

(1) Conduct periodic, physical inventories at least once every 2 years and reconcile such inventories with the Tribal internal property and accounting records;

(2) Prevent loss or damage to property; and

(3) Ensure that property is used by the Tribe to carry out activities under a funding agreement until the Tribe declares the property excess to the needs of the PSFAs carried out by the Tribe under the funding agreement, consistent with the property management system of the Tribe.

(f) Maintenance requirements. Required maintenance includes the performance of actions necessary to keep the property in good working condition, the procedures recommended by equipment manufacturers, and steps necessary to protect the interests of the Department and the Tribe in any express warranties or guarantees covering the property.

(g) Disposition of personal property acquired under a funding agreement. Prior to disposition of any personal property acquired under a funding agreement, including rolling stock, a Tribe must report to the Self-Governance Official in writing on the property's status (e.g., worn out, lost, stolen, damaged beyond repair, or no longer needed to carry out activities under a funding agreement). The Department will provide disposition instructions in accordance with 2 CFR 200.313. A Tribe may retain, sell, or otherwise dispose of personal property with a current per unit fair market value of $5,000 or less with no further obligation to the Department.

(h) Disposition of real property acquired under a funding agreement. Prior to disposition of any real property acquired under a funding agreement, a Tribe must report to the Self-Governance Official, who will ensure the Department provides disposition instructions in accordance with 2 CFR 200.311.