49 CFR Subpart C - Subpart C—Definitions, Classification and Packaging for Class 1
- § 173.50 Class 1—Definitions.
- § 173.51 Authorization to offer and transport explosives.
- § 173.52 Classification codes and compatibility groups of explosives.
- § 173.53 Provisions for using old classifications of explosives.
- § 173.54 Forbidden explosives.
- § 173.55 [Reserved]
- § 173.56 New explosives—definition and procedures for classification and approval.
- § 173.57 Acceptance criteria for new explosives.
- § 173.58 Assignment of class and division for new explosives.
- § 173.59 Description of terms for explosives.
- § 173.60 General packaging requirements for explosives.
- § 173.61 Mixed packaging requirements.
- § 173.62 Specific packaging requirements for explosives.
- § 173.63 Packaging exceptions.
- § 173.64 Exceptions for Division 1.3 and 1.4 fireworks.
- § 173.65 Exceptions for Division 1.4G consumer fireworks.
- § 173.66 Requirements for bulk packagings of certain explosives and oxidizers.
- § 173.67 Exceptions for Division 1.1 jet perforating guns.
Amdt. 173-224, 55 FR 52617, Dec. 21, 1990, unless otherwise noted.