49 CFR Subpart D - Subpart D—Specifications for Non-Pressure Tank Car Tanks (Classes DOT-111AW, 115AW, and 117AW)

  1. § 179.200 General specifications applicable to non-pressure tank car tanks (Class DOT-111, DOT-117).
  2. § 179.200-1 Tank built under these specifications must meet the applicable requirements in this part.
  3. § 179.200-3 Type.
  4. § 179.200-4 Insulation.
  5. § 179.200-6 Thickness of plates.
  6. § 179.200-7 Materials.
  7. § 179.200-8 Tank heads.
  8. § 179.200-9 Compartment tanks.
  9. § 179.200-10 Welding.
  10. § 179.200-11 Postweld heat treatment.
  11. § 179.200-13 Manway ring or flange, pressure relief device flange, bottom outlet nozzle flange, bottom washout nozzle flange and other attachments and openings.
  12. § 179.200-14 Expansion capacity.
  13. § 179.200-15 Closures for manways.
  14. § 179.200-16 Gauging devices, top loading and unloading devices, venting and air inlet devices.
  15. § 179.200-17 Bottom outlets.
  16. § 179.200-19 Reinforcements, when used, and appurtenances not otherwise specified.
  17. § 179.200-21 Closures for openings.
  18. § 179.200-22 Test of tanks.
  19. § 179.200-23 Tests of pressure relief valves.
  20. § 179.200-24 Stamping.
  21. § 179.201 Individual specification requirements applicable to non-pressure tank car tanks.
  22. § 179.201-1 Individual specification requirements.
  23. § 179.201-2 [Reserved]
  24. § 179.201-3 Lined tanks.
  25. § 179.201-4 Material.
  26. § 179.201-5 Postweld heat treatment and corrosion resistance.
  27. § 179.201-6 Manways and manway closures.
  28. § 179.201-8 Sampling device and thermometer well.
  29. § 179.201-9 Gauging device.
  30. § 179.201-10 Water capacity marking.
  31. § 179.201-11 Insulation.
  32. § 179.202 Individual specification requirements applicable to DOT-117 tank car tanks.
  33. § 179.202-1 Applicability.
  34. § 179.202-2 [Reserved]
  35. § 179.202-3 Approval to operate at 286,000 gross rail load (GRL).
  36. § 179.202-4 Thickness of plates.
  37. § 179.202-5 Tank head puncture resistance system.
  38. § 179.202-6 Thermal protection system.
  39. § 179.202-7 Jackets.
  40. § 179.202-8 Bottom outlets.
  41. § 179.202-9 Top fittings protection.
  42. § 179.202-11 Individual specification requirements.
  43. § 179.202-12 Performance standard requirements (DOT-117P).
  44. § 179.202-13 Retrofit standard requirements (DOT-117R).
  45. §§ 179.203--179.202-22 [Reserved]
  46. § 179.220 General specifications applicable to nonpressure tank car tanks consisting of an inner container supported within an outer shell (class DOT-115).
  47. § 179.220-1 Tanks built under these specifications must meet the requirements of §§ 179.220 and 179.221.
  48. § 179.220-3 Type.
  49. § 179.220-4 Insulation.
  50. § 179.220-6 Thickness of plates.
  51. § 179.220-7 Materials.
  52. § 179.220-8 Tank heads.
  53. § 179.220-9 Compartment tanks.
  54. § 179.220-10 Welding.
  55. § 179.220-11 Postweld heat treatment.
  56. § 179.220-13 Inner container manway nozzle and cover.
  57. § 179.220-14 Openings in the tanks.
  58. § 179.220-15 Support system for inner container.
  59. § 179.220-16 Expansion capacity.
  60. § 179.220-17 Gauging devices, top loading and unloading devices, venting and air inlet devices.
  61. § 179.220-18 Bottom outlets.
  62. § 179.220-20 Reinforcements, when used, and appurtenances not otherwise specified.
  63. § 179.220-22 Closure for openings.
  64. § 179.220-23 Test of tanks.
  65. § 179.220-24 Tests of pressure relief valves.
  66. § 179.220-25 Stamping.
  67. § 179.220-26 Stenciling.
  68. § 179.221 Individual specification requirements applicable to tank car tanks consisting of an inner container supported within an outer shell.
  69. § 179.221-1 Individual specification requirements.