49 CFR Subpart C - Subpart C—Roadway Worker Protection

  1. § 214.301 Purpose and scope.
  2. § 214.302 [Reserved]
  3. § 214.303 Railroad on-track safety programs, generally.
  4. § 214.305 [Reserved]
  5. § 214.307 On-track safety programs.
  6. § 214.309 On-track safety manual.
  7. § 214.311 Responsibility of employers.
  8. § 214.313 Responsibility of individual roadway workers.
  9. § 214.315 Supervision and communication.
  10. § 214.317 On-track safety procedures, generally.
  11. § 214.318 Locomotive servicing and car shop repair track areas.
  12. § 214.319 Working limits, generally.
  13. § 214.320 Roadway maintenance machine movements over signalized non-controlled track.
  14. § 214.321 Exclusive track occupancy.
  15. § 214.322 Exclusive track occupancy, electronic display.
  16. § 214.323 Foul time.
  17. § 214.325 Train coordination.
  18. § 214.327 Inaccessible track.
  19. § 214.329 Train approach warning provided by watchmen/lookouts.
  20. § 214.331 Definite train location.
  21. § 214.333 Informational line-ups of trains.
  22. § 214.335 On-track safety procedures for roadway work groups, general.
  23. § 214.336 On-track safety procedures for certain roadway work groups and adjacent tracks.
  24. § 214.337 On-track safety procedures for lone workers.
  25. § 214.339 Audible warning from trains.
  26. § 214.341 Roadway maintenance machines.
  27. § 214.343 Training and qualification, general.
  28. § 214.345 Training for all roadway workers.
  29. § 214.347 Training and qualification for lone workers.
  30. § 214.349 Training and qualification of watchmen/lookouts.
  31. § 214.351 Training and qualification of flagmen.
  32. § 214.353 Training and qualification of each roadway worker in charge.
  33. § 214.355 Training and qualification of each roadway worker in on-track safety for operators of roadway maintenance machines.
  34. § 214.357 Training and qualification for operators of roadway maintenance machines equipped with a crane.
61 FR 65976, Dec. 16, 1996, unless otherwise noted.