5 CFR § 9901.6 - Production of records.

§ 9901.6 Production of records.

(a) Generally. MCRMC will apply a presumption of openness when processing FOIA requests and will only withhold exempt information if it reasonably foresees that disclosure would harm an interest protected by one of the statutory exemptions or if disclosure is prohibited by law. Before withholding information, MCRMC will conduct a foreseeable harm analysis, which clearly identifies the harm that would occur with disclosure.

(b) Large requests. If a request involves a voluminous amount of material or searches in multiple locations, MCRMC will provide the requester with interim responses, releasing the information on a rolling basis.

(c) Copies. MCRMC will maintain copies of records that have been the subject of any pending or closed request, appeal, or lawsuit under the FOIA, to include all correspondence pertaining to the subject request, until disposition is authorized under the National Archives and Records Administration's General Records Schedule 14.

(d) Multi-Track processing.

(1) MCRMC uses a multi-track system to process FOIA requests. This means that a FOIA request is processed based on its complexity. When MCRMC receives a request it will be assigned to the Standard or Complex track.

(i) Standard Track. Requests that are routine and require little search time, review, or analysis are assigned to the Standard Track. MCRMC will respond to these requests in the order in which they are received and make every effort to respond no later than 20 working days after receipt of the request.

(ii) Complex Track. Requests that are non-routine are assigned to the Complex Track if the response may:

(A) Be voluminous;

(B) Require an unusually high level of effort for search, review, or duplication; or

(C) Cause an undue disruption to the day-to-day activities of MCRMC in carrying out its statutory responsibilities.

(2) The requester will be notified if the request is assigned to the Complex Track and will be given an estimate of the time for response. MCRMC will respond to Complex Track requests as soon as practicable. MCRMC may discuss with the requester the possibility of reformulating the request to reduce processing time.