5 CFR Subpart I - Subpart I—Computing the Retirement Annuity for Employees Who Elect To Use NAFI Service To Qualify for an Immediate CSRS or FERS Retirement

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  1. § 847.901 What information is in this subpart?
  2. § 847.902 How does an election to credit NAFI service for immediate CSRS or FERS retirement under subpart H of this part affect the computation of the CSRS or FERS retirement annuity?
  3. § 847.903 How is the monthly reduction to the retirement annuity computed?
  4. § 847.904 What are Present Value Factors?
  5. § 847.905 How is the present value of an immediate annuity with credit for NAFI service computed?
  6. § 847.906 How is the present value of a deferred annuity without credit for NAFI service computed?
  7. § 847.907 How is the monthly annuity rate used to compute the present value of the deferred annuity without credit for NAFI service determined?
  8. § 847.908 If a retiree who elected to credit NAFI service under subpart H of this part earns a supplemental annuity under 5 CFR part 837, how will that supplemental annuity be computed?
  9. § 847.909 If a retiree who elected to credit NAFI service under subpart H of this part earns a right to a redetermined annuity under 5 CFR part 837, how will the redetermined annuity be computed?
  10. § 847.910 If a retiree who elected to credit NAFI service for CSRS immediate retirement returns to work for the Government under conditions that terminate the annuity, how will the retirement annuity be computed when the employee's service with the Government ends?
  11. § 847.911 Is an employee who elects to credit NAFI service to qualify for an immediate FERS retirement under subpart H of this part eligible for an FERS annuity supplement under 5 CFR 842 subpart E?
  12. § 847.912 If an employee who elects to credit NAFI service under subpart H of this part elects a survivor annuity will the monthly survivor annuity rate be subject to reduction?
68 FR 2181, Jan. 16, 2003, unless otherwise noted.