50 CFR § 230.4 - Aboriginal subsistence whaling.

(a) No person shall engage in aboriginal subsistence whaling, except a whaling captain licensed pursuant to § 230.5 or a member of a whaling crew under the control of a licensed captain.

(b) No whaling captain shall engage in whaling that is not in accordance with the regulations of the Commission, this part, and the relevant cooperative agreement.

(c) No whaling captain shall engage in whaling for any calf or any whale accompanied by a calf.

(d) No whaling captain shall engage in whaling without an adequate crew or without adequate supplies and equipment.

(e) No person may receive money for participation in aboriginal subsistence whaling.

(f) No person may sell or offer for sale whale products from whales taken in an aboriginal subsistence hunt, except that authentic articles of Native handicrafts may be sold or offered for sale.

(g) No whaling captain shall continue to whale after:

(1) The quota set for his/her village by the relevant Native American whaling organization is reached;

(2) The license under which he/she is whaling is suspended as provided in § 230.5(b); or

(3) The whaling season for that species has been closed pursuant to § 230.6.

(h) No whaling captain shall claim domicile in more than one whaling village.

(i) No person may salvage a stinker without complying with the provisions of § 230.7.

(j) No whaling captain shall engage in whaling with a harpoon, lance, or explosive dart that does not bear a permanent distinctive mark identifying the captain as the owner thereof.

(k) No whaling captain shall engage in whaling in a wasteful manner.