50 CFR § 600.510 - Gear avoidance and disposal.

§ 600.510 Gear avoidance and disposal.

(a) Vessel and gear avoidance.

(1) FFV's arriving on fishing grounds where fishing vessels are already fishing or have set their gear for that purpose must ascertain the position and extent of gear already placed in the sea and must not place themselves or their fishing gear so as to interfere with or obstruct fishing operations already in progress. Vessels using mobile gear must avoid fixed fishing gear.

(2) The operator of each FFV must maintain on its bridge a current plot of broadcast fixed-gear locations for the area in which it is fishing, as required by the regulations for the fishery in which the FFV is engaged.

(b) Gear conflicts. The operator of each FFV that is involved in a conflict or that retrieves the gear of another vessel must immediately notify the appropriate USCG commander identified in tables 1 and 2 to § 600.502 and request disposal instructions. Each report must include:

(1) The name of the reporting vessel.

(2) A description of the incident and articles retrieved, including the amount, type of gear, condition, and identification markings.

(3) The location of the incident.

(4) The date and time of the incident.

(c) Disposal of fishing gear and other articles.

(1) The operator of an FFV in the EEZ may not dump overboard, jettison or otherwise discard any article or substance that may interfere with other fishing vessels or gear, or that may catch fish or cause damage to any marine resource, including marine mammals and birds, except in cases of emergency involving the safety of the ship or crew, or as specifically authorized by communication from the appropriate USCG commander or other authorized officer. These articles and substances include, but are not limited to, fishing gear, net scraps, bale straps, plastic bags, oil drums, petroleum containers, oil, toxic chemicals or any manmade items retrieved in an FFV's gear.

(2) The operator of an FFV may not abandon fishing gear in the EEZ.

(3) If these articles or substances are encountered, or in the event of accidental or emergency placement into the EEZ, the vessel operator must immediately report the incident to the appropriate USCG Commander indicated in tables 1 and 2 to § 600.502, and give the information required in paragraph (b) of this section.