50 CFR § 648.60 - Sea Scallop Rotational Areas.

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§ 648.60 Sea Scallop Rotational Areas.

(a) Area I-Quad Scallop Rotational Area. The Area 1-Quad Scallop Rotational Area is defined by straight lines connecting the following points in the order stated (copies of a chart depicting this area are available from the Regional Administrator upon request):

Table 1 to Paragraph (a)

Point N latitude W longitude
AIQ1 40°55.2′ 68°53.4′
AIQ2 41°0.6′ 68°58.2′
AIQ3 41°3.0′ 68°52.2′
AIQ4 40°55.8′ 68°46.8′
AIQ1 40°55.2′ 68°53.4′

(b) Area II Scallop Rotational Area—(1) Area II Scallop Rotational Area boundary. The Area II Scallop Rotational Area is defined by straight lines connecting the following points in the order stated (copies of a chart depicting this area are available from the Regional Administrator upon request):

Table 2 to Paragraph (b)(1)

Point N latitude W longitude Note
AII1 41°30′ 67°20′
AII2 41°30′ ( a) ( b)
AII3 40°40′ ( c) ( b)
AII4 40°40′ 67°20′
AII1 41°30′ 67°20′

a The intersection of lat. 41°30′ N and the United States-Canada Maritime Boundary, approximately lat. 41°30′ N, long. 66°34.73′ W.

b From Point AII2 connected to Point AII3 along the United States-Canada Maritime Boundary.

c The intersection of lat. 40°40′ N and the United States-Canada Maritime Boundary, approximately lat. 40°40′ N and long. 65°52.61′ W.

(2) Season.

(i) A vessel issued a scallop permit may not fish for, possess, or land scallops in or from the area known as the Area II Scallop Rotational Area, defined in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, during the period of August 15 through November 15 of each year the Area II Access Area is open to scallop vessels, unless transiting pursuant to § 648.59(a).

(ii) [Reserved]

(c) Area I Scallop Rotational Area. The Area I Scallop Rotational Area is defined by straight lines connecting the following points in the order stated (copies of a chart depicting this area are available from the Regional Administrator upon request):

Table 3 to Paragraph (c)

Point N latitude W longitude
AIA1 40°58.2′ 68°30′
AIA2 40°55.8′ 68°46.8′
AIA3 41°3.0′ 68°52.2′
AIA4 41°0.6′ 68°58.2′
AIA5 41°4.2′ 69°1.2′
AIA6 41°25.8′ 68°30′
AIA1 40°58.2′ 68°30′

(d) Area 1-Sliver Scallop Rotational Area. The Area 1-Sliver Scallop Rotational Area is defined by straight lines connecting the following points in the order stated (copies of a chart depicting this area are available from the Regional Administrator upon request):

Table 4 to Paragraph (d)

Point N latitude W longitude
AIS1 41°0.0′ 68°30.0′
AIS2 41°25.8′ 68°30.0′
AIS3 41°4.2′ 69°1.2′
AIS4 41°30.0′ 69°22.8′
AIS1 41°30.0′ 68°30.0′

(e)—(f) [Reserved]

(g) Nantucket Lightship Scallop Rotational Area. The Nantucket Lightship Scallop Rotational Area is defined by straight lines connecting the following points in the order stated (copies of a chart depicting this area are available from the Regional Administrator upon request):

Table 5 to Paragraph (g)

Point N latitude W longitude
NLS1 40°49.8′ 69°0.0′
NLS2 40°49.8′ 69°30.0′
NLS3 40°43.2′ 69°30.0′
NLS4 40°43.2′ 70°19.8′
NLS5 40°26.4′ 70°19.8′
NLS6 40°19.8′ 70°0.0′
NLS7 40°19.8′ 68°48.0′
NLS8 40°33.0′ 68°48.0′
NLS9 40°33.0′ 69°0.0′
NLS1 40°49.8′ 69°0.0′

(h)—(i) [Reserved]

(j) New York Bight Scallop Rotational Area. The New York Bight Scallop Rotational Area is defined by straight lines connecting the following points in the order stated (copies of a chart depicting this area are available from the Regional Administrator upon request):

Table 6 to Paragraph (j)

Point N latitude W longitude
NYB1 40°00′ 73°20′
NYB2 40°00′ 72°30′
NYB3 39°20′ 72°30′
NYB4 39°20′ 73°20′
NYB1 40°00′ 73°20′
[85 FR 17764, Mar. 31, 2020, as amended at 86 FR 27051, May 19, 2021; 87 FR 18287, Mar. 30, 2022; 88 FR 19568, Apr. 3, 2023; 89 FR 20351, Mar. 22, 2024]