50 CFR § 679.94 - Economic data report (EDR) for the Amendment 80 sector.

§ 679.94 Economic data report (EDR) for the Amendment 80 sector.

(a) Annual Trawl Catcher/Processor Economic Data Report (EDR)—(1) Requirement to submit an EDR. A person who held an Amendment 80 QS permit during a calendar year must submit a complete Annual Trawl Catcher/Processor EDR for that calendar year by following the instructions on the Annual Trawl Catcher/Processor EDR form.

(2) Deadline. A completed EDR or EDR certification pages must be submitted as required on the form to NMFS for each calendar year on or before 1700 hours, A.l.t., June 1 of the following year.

(3) Information required. The Annual Trawl Catcher/Processor EDR form is available on the NMFS Alaska Region Web site at www.alaskafisheries.noaa.gov, or by contacting NMFS at 1-800-304-4846.

(4) EDR certification pages. Any person required to submit an EDR under paragraph (a)(1) of this section, or their designated representative, if applicable, must submit the EDR certification statement as either:

(i) Part of the entire EDR. A person submitting the completed EDR must attest to the accuracy and completion of the EDR by signing and dating the certification portion of the EDR form; or

(ii) EDR certification only. A person submitting a completed EDR certification only must attest that they meet the conditions exempting them from submitting the entire EDR as described in the certification portion of the Annual Trawl Catcher/Processor EDR form and sign and date the certification portion of the EDR form.

(b) Verification of EDR data.

(1) NMFS or the DCA will conduct verification of information with a person required to submit the Annual Trawl Catcher/Processor EDR, or if applicable, that person's designated representative.

(2) A person required to submit the Annual Trawl Catcher/Processor EDR or designated representative, if applicable, must respond to inquiries by NMFS, the DCA within 20 days of the date of issuance of the inquiry.

[79 FR 71318, Dec. 2, 2014, as amended at 88 FR 7591, Feb. 6, 2023]