7 CFR § 1215.29 - Powers.

§ 1215.29 Powers.

The Board shall have the following powers:

(a) To administer the Order in accordance with its terms and provisions;

(b) To make rules and regulations to effectuate the terms and provisions of the Order;

(c) To select committees and subcommittees of Board members, including an executive committee, and to adopt such bylaws and other rules for the conduct of its business as it may deem advisable;

(d) To appoint or employ such individuals as it may deem necessary, define the duties, and determine the compensation of such individuals;

(e) To disseminate information to processors or industry organizations through programs or by direct contact using the public postal system or other systems;

(f) To propose, receive, evaluate and approve budgets, plans and projects of popcorn promotion, research, consumer information and industry information, as well as to contract with the approval of the Secretary with appropriate persons to implement plans and projects;

(g) To receive, investigate, and report to the Secretary for action any complaints of violations of the Order;

(h) To recommend to the Secretary amendments to the order;

(i) To accept or receive voluntary contributions;

(j) To invest, pending disbursement pursuant to a program, plan or project, funds collected through assessments authorized under this Act provided for in § 1215.51, and any other funds received by the Board in, and only in, obligations of the United States or any agency thereof, in general obligations of any State or any political subdivision thereof, in any interest bearing account or certificate of deposit or a bank that is a member of the Federal Reserve System, or in obligations fully guaranteed as to principal and interest by the United States;

(k) With the approval of the Secretary, to enter into contracts or agreements with national, regional, or State popcorn processor organizations, or other organizations or entities, for the development and conduct of programs, plans or projects authorized under § 1215.40 and for the payment of the cost of such programs with assessments received pursuant to this subpart; and

(l) Such other powers as may be approved by the Secretary.