7 CFR § 1216.50 - Budget and expenses.

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§ 1216.50 Budget and expenses.

(a) At least 60 days prior to the beginning of each fiscal year, and as may be necessary thereafter, the Board shall prepare and submit to the Secretary a budget for the fiscal year covering its anticipated expenses and disbursements in administering this subpart. Each such budget shall include:

(1) A statement of objectives and strategy for each program, plan, or project;

(2) A summary of anticipated revenue, with comparative data for at least one preceding year (except for the initial budget);

(3) A summary of proposed expenditures for each program, plan, or project; and

(4) Staff and administrative expense breakdowns, with comparative data for at least one preceding year (except for the initial budget).

(b) Each budget shall provide adequate funds to defray its proposed expenditures and to provide for a reserve as set forth in this subpart.

(c) Subject to this section, any amendment or addition to an approved budget must be approved by the Secretary, including shifting funds from one program, plan, or project to another. Shifts of funds which do not cause an increase in the Board's approved budget and which are consistent with governing bylaws need not have prior approval by the Secretary.

(d) The Board is authorized to incur such expenses, including provision for a reasonable reserve, as the Secretary finds are reasonable and likely to be incurred by the Board for its maintenance and functioning, and to enable it to exercise its powers and perform its duties in accordance with the provisions of this subpart. Such expenses shall be paid from funds received by the Board.

(e) With approval of the Secretary, the Board may borrow money for the payment of administrative expenses, subject to the same fiscal, budget, and audit controls as other funds of the Board. Any funds borrowed by the Board shall be expended only for startup costs and capital outlays and are limited to the first year of operation of the Board.

(f) The Board may accept voluntary contributions, but these shall only be used to pay expenses incurred in the conduct of programs, plans, and projects. Such contributions shall be free from any encumbrance by the donor and the Board shall retain complete control of their use.

(g) The Board shall reimburse the Secretary for all expenses incurred by the Secretary in the implementation, administration, and supervision of the Order, including all referendum costs in connection with the Order.

(h) The Board may not expend for administration, maintenance, and functioning of the Board in any fiscal year an amount that exceeds 10 percent of the assessments and other income received by the Board for that fiscal year. Reimbursements to the Secretary required under paragraph (g) of this section are excluded from this limitation on spending.

(i) The Board shall allocate, to the extent practicable, no less than 80 percent of the assessments collected on all peanuts available for any fiscal year on national and regional promotion, research, and information activities. The Board shall allocate, to the extent practcable, no more than 20 percent of assessments collected on all peanuts available for any fiscal year for use in state or regional research programs. Specific percentages and amounts shall be determined annually by the Board, with the approval of the Secretary.

(j) Certified peanut producer organizations may submit requests for funding for research and/or generic promotion projects. Amounts approved for each state shall not exceed the pro rata Share of funds available for that State as determined by the Board and approved by the Secretary. Amounts allocated by the Board for state research or promotion activities will be based on requests submitted to the Board when it is determined that they meet the goals and objectives stated in the Order.

(k) Assessments collected, less pro rata administrative expenses, from the gross sales of contract export additional peanuts shall be allocated by the Board for the promotion and related research of export peanuts.

(l) The Board shall determine annually how total funds shall be allocated pursuant to paragraphs (i), (j), and (k) of this section, with the approval of the Secretary.