7 CFR § 1409.103 - Producer eligibility requirements.

§ 1409.103 Producer eligibility requirements.

(a) To be eligible for an MFP payment, a producer must meet all of the requirements in this part and the NOFA that is applicable to the commodity.

(b) A producer's share in the crop must be reported for the 2019 crop year on form FSA-578, Report of Acreage, submitted to FSA, and must be on file in the FSA county office by the applicable reporting dates, or no later than the date specified in the applicable NOFA.

(c) For non-specialty crops, except as determined by CCC, each applicant must be a person or legal entity who was actively engaged in farming, as provided in part 1400 of this chapter.

(d) For livestock and dairy, a producer must have had an ownership interest in livestock or dairy production during the applicable time period established by CCC in the applicable NOFA.