7 CFR § 1409.105 - Calculation of payments.

§ 1409.105 Calculation of payments.

(a) For non-specialty crops, the payment under this subpart will be calculated by multiplying the county payment rate by the 2019 reported planted acreage for a farm not to exceed the sum of planted and prevented planted acres of non-specialty crops on the farm in 2018, and available acreage from 2018 expired Conservation Reserve Program contracts. Producers' payments may be adjusted as determined by CCC and as detailed in the applicable NOFA.

(b) For non-specialty prevented planted crops followed by a CCC approved cover crop, the payment rate will be $15 per acre.

(c) For dairy and livestock, the payment under this subpart will be calculated by multiplying the total production of the commodity times the producer's eligible share of the commodity times the payment rate for that commodity, as provided for in a subsequent NOFA.

(d) For specialty crops, the payment under this subpart will be calculated by multiplying 2019 bearing acres of the specialty crop by the payment rate for the relevant specialty crop.

(e) For MFP payments:

(1) The first payment will be up to 50 percent of the total calculated payment.

(2) CCC will determine if any further payments are warranted. If CCC determines that a second payment is warranted, it will be up to 75 percent of the total calculated payment less the amount received in the first payment and the second payment period will begin in November 2019.

(3) If CCC determines that a final payment is warranted, it will be for up to the remaining amount of the total calculated payment, unless otherwise adjusted by CCC, and the last payment period will begin in January 2020.