7 CFR § 1412.26 - Treatment of base acres on farms entirely in pasture, grass, idle, or fallow.

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§ 1412.26 Treatment of base acres on farms entirely in pasture, grass, idle, or fallow.

(a) A farm on which all of the cropland was planted to grass or pasture, including cropland that was idle or fallow from January 1, 2009, through December 31, 2017, will have base acres and yields maintained for the covered commodities on the farm, except that no payment will be made with respect to those base acres under this part for the 2019 through 2023 crop years.

(b) The producers on a farm for which all of the base acres are maintained under paragraph (a) of this section are:

(1) Ineligible to change the election applicable to the producers on the farm under subpart G of this part; and

(2) Not permitted to reconstitute the farm to void or change the treatment of base acres under paragraph (a) of this section.

[84 FR 45890, Sept. 3, 2019]