7 CFR § 1413.101 - Applicability.

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§ 1413.101 Applicability.

(a) This subpart establishes the terms and conditions under which the Durum Wheat Quality Program (DWQP) as authorized by section 1613 of the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 (Pub. L. 110-246) will be administered.

(b) This program will operate only to the extent appropriated funding is available.

(c) Subject to available funding, eligible producers of durum wheat will be partially compensated for the cost of purchasing and applying fungicides to a crop of durum wheat to control Fusarium head blight on acres accurately certified as planted to durum wheat. “Available funding” requires that there be a specific appropriation for the program that applies to a particular crop for which the producer seeks compensation under this program.