7 CFR § 1416.103 - Eligible losses, adverse weather, and other loss conditions.

§ 1416.103 Eligible losses, adverse weather, and other loss conditions.

(a) An eligible loss covered under this subpart is a loss that an eligible producer, livestock owner, or contract grower of livestock, or eligible producer of honeybees or farm-raised fish incurs due to an eligible adverse weather or eligible loss condition, as determined by the Deputy Administrator. All other causes of loss are not considered an eligible loss condition, including, but not limited to, negligence, mismanagement or wrongdoing by the producer.

(b) A loss covered under LFP or LIP is not eligible for ELAP.

(c) To be an eligible loss in a program year, the loss must have been apparent to the person or legal entity providing the notice and to FSA in the program year for which payment is being requested.

(d) For a livestock feed loss to be considered an eligible loss, the livestock feed loss must be one of the following:

(1) Loss of purchased forage or feedstuffs that was intended for use as feed for the participant's eligible livestock as specified in § 1416.104(a) that was physically located in the county where the eligible adverse weather or eligible loss condition occurred on the beginning date of the eligible adverse weather or eligible loss condition. The loss must be due to an eligible adverse weather or eligible loss condition, as determined by the Deputy Administrator, including, but not limited to, blizzard, eligible winter storms, flood, hurricane, lightning, tidal surge, tornado, volcanic eruption, or wildfire on non-Federal land;

(2) Loss of mechanically harvested forage or feedstuffs intended for use as feed for the participant's eligible livestock as specified in § 1416.104(a) that was physically located in the county where the eligible adverse weather or eligible loss condition occurred on the beginning date of the eligible adverse weather or eligible loss condition. The loss must have occurred after harvest due to an eligible adverse weather or eligible loss condition, as determined by the Deputy Administrator, including, but not limited to, blizzard, eligible winter storms, flood, hurricane, lightning, tidal surge, tornado, volcanic eruption, or wildfire on non-Federal land;

(3) A loss resulting from the additional cost of purchasing additional livestock feed, above normal quantities, required to maintain the eligible livestock as specified in § 1416.104(a) during an eligible adverse weather or eligible loss condition, until additional livestock feed becomes available, as determined by the Deputy Administrator. To be eligible, the additional feed purchased above normal quantities must be feed that is fed to maintain livestock in the county where the eligible adverse weather or eligible loss condition occurred. Eligible adverse weather or eligible loss conditions, as determined by the Deputy Administrator, including, but not limited to, blizzard, eligible winter storms, flood, hurricane, lightning, tidal surge, tornado, volcanic eruption, or wildfire on non-Federal land;

(4) A loss resulting from the additional cost incurred for transporting livestock feed to eligible livestock as specified in § 1416.104(a) due to an eligible adverse weather or eligible loss condition, as determined by the Deputy Administrator, including, but not limited to, costs associated with equipment rental fees for hay lifts and snow removal. To be eligible, the loss must be incurred in combination with a loss described in paragraphs (d)(1), (2), or (3) of this section. The additional costs incurred must have been incurred for losses suffered in the county where the eligible adverse weather or eligible loss condition occurred. Eligible adverse weather or eligible loss conditions, as determined by the Deputy Administrator, include, but not limited to, blizzard, eligible winter storms, flood, hurricane, lightning, tidal surge, tornado, volcanic eruption, or wildfire on non-Federal land;

(5) A loss resulting from the additional cost of transporting water to eligible livestock as specified in § 1416.104(a) due to eligible adverse weather, eligible loss condition, or eligible drought, as determined by the Deputy Administrator, including, but not limited to, costs associated with water transport equipment rental fees, labor, and contracted water transportation fees. The cost of the water is not eligible for payment. To be eligible for additional cost of transporting water to eligible livestock, the livestock must be livestock that would normally have been grazing on eligible grazing lands that meet all of the following:

(i) Physically located in the county where the eligible adverse weather, eligible loss condition, or eligible drought, as determined by the Deputy Administrator, occurred;

(ii) That had adequate livestock watering systems or facilities before the eligible adverse weather, eligible loss condition, or eligible drought occurred; and

(iii) That the producer is not normally required to transport water to the livestock.

(6) A loss resulting from the additional cost incurred on or after January 1, 2021, to transport eligible livestock to feed or livestock feed to eligible livestock for additional mileage above normal, due to eligible adverse weather, an eligible loss condition, or eligible drought, as determined by the Deputy Administrator, including costs associated with treating livestock feed to prevent the spread of invasive pests. The cost of the feed is not eligible for payment. Negligence, mismanagement, or wrongdoing by the producer is not considered an eligible loss condition for livestock or feed transportation costs. To be eligible for a loss under this paragraph, the livestock must be livestock that would normally have been on eligible grazing lands physically located in the county where the eligible adverse weather, eligible loss condition, or eligible drought, as determined by the Deputy Administrator, occurred.

(e) For a grazing loss to be considered eligible, the grazing loss must have been incurred:

(1) During the normal grazing period, as specified in § 1416.102;

(2) On eligible grazing land that is physically located in the county where the eligible adverse weather or eligible loss condition occurred;

(3) Due to an eligible adverse weather or eligible loss condition, as determined by the Deputy Administrator, including, but not limited to, blizzard, eligible winter storm, flood, hurricane, hail, lightning, tidal surge, volcanic eruption, and wildfire on non-Federal land. The grazing loss will not be eligible if it is due to an adverse weather condition covered by LFP as specified in subpart C of this part, such as drought or wildfire on federally managed land where the producer is prohibited by the Federal agency from grazing the normally permitted livestock on the managed rangeland due to a fire.

(f) For a loss resulting from the additional cost associated with gathering livestock to inspect or treat for cattle tick fever, the livestock gathered for inspection or treatment for cattle tick fever must be considered eligible livestock as specified in § 1416.104(d). To be considered an eligible loss, acceptable records, as determined by the Deputy Administrator, must be on file with APHIS, that provide the number of livestock gathered and inspected or treated for cattle tick fever and the number of treatments given during the program year.

(g) For honeybee feed or farm-raised fish feed losses to be considered an eligible loss, the honeybee feed or farm-raised fish feed loss must be one of the following:

(1) Loss of honeybee feed or farm-raised fish feed that was intended as feed for the participant's eligible honeybees or farm-raised fish that was physically located in the county where the eligible adverse weather or eligible loss condition occurred on the beginning date of the eligible adverse weather or eligible loss condition. The loss must be due to an eligible adverse weather or eligible loss condition, as determined by the Deputy Administrator, including, but not limited to, earthquake, flood, hurricane, lightning, tidal surge, tornado, volcanic eruption, and wildfire.

(2) A loss resulting from the additional cost of purchasing additional honeybee feed, above normal quantities, required to maintain the honeybees during an eligible adverse weather or eligible loss condition, until additional honeybee feed becomes available, as determined by the Deputy Administrator. To be eligible the additional feed purchased above normal quantities must be feed that is fed to maintain honeybees in the county where the eligible adverse weather or eligible loss condition occurred. The loss must be due to an eligible adverse weather or eligible loss condition, as determined by the Deputy Administrator, including, but not limited to, earthquake, early fall frost, excessive rainfall, flood, hurricane, late spring frost, lightning, tidal surge, tornado, volcanic eruption, wildfire and eligible drought, as specified in § 1416.102.

(h) For honeybee colony or honeybee hive losses to be considered eligible, the hive producer must have incurred the loss in the county where the eligible adverse weather or eligible loss condition occurred. The honeybee colony or hive losses must be due to an eligible adverse weather or eligible loss condition, as determined by the Deputy Administrator, including, but not limited to, colony collapse disorder, earthquake, eligible winter storm, as specified in § 1416.102, excessive wind, flood, hurricane, lightning, tornado, volcanic eruption, and wildfire. Drought is not an eligible adverse weather event or eligible loss condition for honeybee hive losses. To be considered eligible for honeybee hive loss as of the beginning date of the eligible adverse weather event or eligible loss condition the honeybee hive must be all the following: Maintained for producing honey, pollinating, or breeding honeybees for commercial use in a farming operation; physically located in the county where the eligible adverse weather or eligible loss conditions occurred; and be a part of a honeybee farming operation in which the applicant has a risk in honey production, pollination, or honeybee breeding. To be considered an eligible honeybee colony loss, the colony loss must be in excess of normal mortality, as established by the Deputy Administrator, and the loss could not have been prevented through reasonable and available measures. The notice of loss must be accompanied by acceptable documentation, as determined by the Deputy Administrator, that demonstrates an eligible loss occurred and was associated with an eligible adverse weather or eligible loss condition, and that generally accepted husbandry and production practices had been followed. For colony collapse disorder, acceptable documentation includes, but is not limited to, proof of beginning inventory and good management practices, and a producer certification that the loss of honeybee colonies was a direct result of at least 3 of the following 5 symptoms:

(1) The loss of live queen or drone bee populations inside the hives;

(2) Rapid decline of adult worker bee population outside the hives, leaving brood poorly or completely unattended;

(3) Absence of dead adult bees inside the hive and outside the entrance of the hive;

(4) Absence of robbing collapsed colonies;

(5) At the time of collapse, varroa mite and Nosema populations are not at levels known to cause economic injury or population decline.

(i) For death losses of bait fish, game fish, or other aquatic species, as determined by the Deputy Administrator, to be considered eligible, the producer must have incurred the fish loss, in excess of normal mortality, in the county where the eligible adverse weather or eligible loss condition occurred. The fish death must be due to an eligible adverse weather or eligible loss condition as determined by the Deputy Administrator including, but not limited to, earthquake, flood, hurricane, tidal surge, tornado, and volcanic eruption.

(j) For milk losses due to H5N1 to be considered eligible, the producer must have had reduced milk production as a result of removal of adult dairy cows from daily milking due to H5N1 infection. Such infection must be confirmed for the herd by at least one positive H5N1 test for a dairy cow within that herd. The date of the eligible loss condition for milk losses due to H5N1 is the positive H5N1 test collection date.

[79 FR 21097, Apr. 14, 2014, as amended at 83 FR 49465, Oct. 2, 2018; 85 FR 10964, Feb. 26, 2020; 87 FR 19785, Apr. 6, 2022; 88 FR 1891, Jan. 11, 2023; 89 FR 54334, July 1, 2024]