7 CFR § 1430.103 - Eligible dairy operations.

§ 1430.103 Eligible dairy operations.

(a) The eligibility requirements for a dairy operation to register in MPP-Dairy and receive payments under this subpart, are to:

(1) Produce milk from cows in the United States that is marketed commercially at the time of each annual election in MPP-Dairy;

(2) Submit accurate and complete information as required by the this subpart;

(3) Provide proof of milk production marketed commercially by all persons in the dairy operation to establish production history;

(4) Not participate in the Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy (LGM-Dairy) Program administered by the USDA Risk Management Agency (RMA) under the Federal Crop Insurance Act (7 U.S.C. 1501-1536), except to the extent permitted by this subpart, provided that under no circumstance may the operation receive coverage for the same period in MPP-Dairy for which payments have been received or earned under LGM-Dairy; and

(5) Pay required administrative fees for participation in MPP-Dairy as specified in this subpart and any premiums, if applicable, as specified in this subpart.

(b) A person or entity covered by § 1400.401 of this chapter (hereafter “foreign person”) must meet the eligibility requirements contained in that section to receive payments under this part. A dairy operation with ineligible foreign persons as members will have any payment reduced by the proportional share of such members.

(c) Federal agencies and States, including all agencies and political subdivisions of a State, are not eligible for payments under this subpart.

(d) As specified in § 1430.104, each dairy operation is required to submit a separate registration to be eligible for MPP-Dairy coverage and payment. A producer who owns more than one eligible dairy operation may participate separately for each dairy operation; each eligible dairy operation must be registered separately, subject to the affiliation test for new operations.

(e) A new dairy operation will be treated as an affiliated dairy operation and not be treated as a separate dairy operation under MPP-Dairy if producers that collectively own more than 50 percent of the new dairy operation also collectively own more than 50 percent interest in another dairy operation registered in MPP-Dairy.