7 CFR § 1430.405 - Establishment and transfer of production history for a participating dairy operation.

§ 1430.405 Establishment and transfer of production history for a participating dairy operation.

(a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, FSA will establish the production history for a dairy operation for DMC as the highest annual milk marketings of the participating dairy operation during any one of the 2011, 2012, or 2013 calendar years, and will establish an adjusted base production history, if applicable.

(1) Producers in the participating dairy operation are required to provide adequate proof of the dairy operation's quantity of milk commercially marketed, to establish the production history and or adjusted base production history for the dairy operation.

(2) All information provided is subject to verification, spot check, and audit by FSA. If the dairy operation does not provide, to the satisfaction of FSA, documentation requested to substantiate the production history of the highest annual milk marketings or 2019 milk marketings for the participating dairy operation, then the registration will not be approved.

(3) A participating dairy operation may establish supplemental production history during the coverage election period preceding the coverage year, except for 2021 when a special enrollment will occur. To determine supplemental production history, the dairy operation production history established according to paragraph (a), (b), or (c) of this section must be subtracted from that dairy operation's actual pounds of 2019 milk production as indicated on the milk marketing statement, with the result multiplied by 75 percent. Supplemental production history may not be established after the 2023 coverage year.

(4) A participating dairy operation with production of less than 5 million pounds may establish adjusted base production history during the coverage election period beginning with the 2024 coverage year. To determine adjusted base production history, the dairy operation production history established according to paragraph (a), (b), or (c) of this section, and as previously adjusted under paragraph (e) of this section, if applicable, must be subtracted from that dairy operation's actual pounds of 2019 milk production as indicated on the milk marketing statement, with the result multiplied by 75 percent, and then added to the previously established production history. If the new adjusted base production history for a lock-in contract in coverage year 2024 exceeds the maximum 5 million pounds that can be covered under Tier 1, according to § 1430.407(d), the excess pounds above 5 million pounds will be enrolled in Tier 2 at the $4.00 Catastrophic level coverage. If the new adjusted base production history for an annual contract exceeds the maximum 5 million pounds that can be covered under Tier 1, the excess pounds above 5 million pounds will be enrolled according to the coverage elections on the annual contract.

(b) A participating dairy operation that was not in operation prior to January 1, 2014, that has not established a production history will elect the highest annual milk marketings during any one calendar year while in operation to determine the production history of the participating dairy operation.

(c) A participating dairy operation with less than one year of production history will be considered a new dairy operation. To establish the production history for such a new dairy operation the new dairy operation is required to elect one of the following methods:

(1) The volume of the actual milk marketings for the months the dairy operation has been in operation, extrapolated to a yearly amount based on a national seasonally adjusted index, as determined by the Deputy Administrator, to account for differences in milk production during the year; or

(2) An estimate of the actual milk marketings of the dairy operation based on the herd size of the dairy operation relative to the national rolling herd average data published by the Secretary.

(d) If FSA determines that the new enterprise was formed for the purpose of circumventing DMC provisions, including, but not limited to, reconstituting a dairy operation to receive additional benefits, or establishing new production history, that enterprise will not be considered a new dairy operation for the purpose of establishing production history.

(e) Once the production history of a participating dairy operation is established under paragraph (a), (b), or (c) of this section, the production history will be adjusted by a one-time upward adjustment by FSA to reflect any increase in the national average milk production relative to calendar year 2017, as determined by the Deputy Administrator. Dairy operations participating in DMC, that had production history previously established under MPP-Dairy but elected not to participate in MPP-Dairy are not eligible for the production history adjustment. Dairy operations with approved contracts for 2018 coverage under MPP-Dairy will maintain that same production history, as in the DMC Program and are not eligible for the production history adjustment. New dairy operations that participate in DMC, that did not previously have their production history established nor participate in MPP-Dairy, will have the same adjustment factor of 1.0186 applied to their established production history for registration in the DMC Program as 2018 MPP-Dairy participants. There will be no further adjustments in subsequent years of participation made to the established production history under the DMC Program.

(f) The production history or adjusted base production history must be transferred from one dairy facility to another as follows:

(1) Producers of a dairy operation relocate the dairy operation to another location and the production history and or adjusted base production history, if applicable, of the original operation must be transferred to the new location and subject to the same elected coverage levels for that year; or

(2) Producers of a dairy operation transfer ownership of a dairy operation with its associated production history and or adjusted base production history, if applicable, through a succession-in-interest transfer when there is a spouse, child, heir, or common member that the dairy operation is being transferred to and there is no break in the continuity of the dairy operation. However, the successor operation must submit a separate registration according to § 1430.404, to participate in DMC, but will be subject to the same elected coverage levels made by the predecessor for that coverage year or lock-in period, as applicable.

(g) If CCC waives the obligation, under DMC of a participating dairy operation due to death or retirement of the producer or of the permanent dissolution of the dairy operation or under other circumstances as determined by the Deputy Administrator, FSA may reestablish the production history and adjusted base production history, if applicable.

(h) The established production history of a participating dairy operation may be adjusted upward once during the term of the contract for an intergenerational transfer based on the purchase of additional cows by the new family member(s). The increase in the established production history of the participating dairy operation will be determined on the basis of the national rolling herd average data for the current year in effect at the time of the intergenerational transfer and the quantity of the production history increase will be limited to an amount not more than 5 million pounds. The additional quantity of production history will receive coverage at the same elected coverage threshold and coverage percentage in effect for the participating dairy operation at the time the production history increase takes effect. Intergenerational transfers will not be allowed if the participating dairy operation's current annual production and the increase in herd size by the new member(s) is less than the operation's established production history.

(1) The dairy operation must notify FSA, using the appropriate CCC form(s), of the intergenerational transfer within 60 days of the purchase of the cows, except that for purchases made for intergenerational transfers occurring in 2019 before the 2019 annual coverage election period, the dairy operation must notify FSA during the registration and annual coverage election period for coverage year 2019, established by the Deputy Administrator. The operation has the option of the additional production history taking effect beginning with the month the producer first began to commercially produce and market milk as part of the dairy operation, or the following January 1. If the additional production history takes effect between January 1 and August 31, the premium is due September 1, as specified in § 1430.407(h)(2). If the additional production history takes effect between September 1 and December 31, the premium is due immediately.

(2) All of the items specified in this paragraph must be documented in the notification to FSA and self-certified by the current and new member(s) for the intergenerational transfer to be considered eligible for additional production history. All of the following information is subject to verification by CCC. Refusal to allow CCC or any other agency of USDA to verify any information provided will result in disapproval of the intergenerational transfer.

(i) Documentation that the new member(s) joining the operation has purchased the dairy cows being added to the dairy operation;

(ii) Certification that each new member will have a share of the profits or losses from the dairy operation commensurate with such person's contributions to the dairy operation;

(iii) Certification that each new member has a significant equity ownership in the participating dairy operation at levels determined by the Deputy Administrator and announced on the FSA website, www.fsa.usda.gov;

(iv) Certification that each new member is a lineal descendant or spouse of a current member of the participating dairy operation;

(v) Agreement that each new member will contribute labor in the dairy operation at a minimum of 35 hours per week or have a plan for transition to full-time, subject to FSA county committee review and approval, if only working seasonally or part-time;

(vi) Certification that the dairy operation will be the principal source of non-investment earned income for each new member; and

(vii) Documentation of the participating dairy operation's current annual marketings as of the date of the intergenerational transfer.

[84 FR 28176, June 18, 2019, as amended at 86 FR 70707, Dec. 13, 2021; 89 FR 14375, Feb. 27, 2024]