7 CFR § 17.5 - Contracts between commodity suppliers and importers.

§ 17.5 Contracts between commodity suppliers and importers.

(a) Commodity suppliers and selling agents.

(1) Commodity suppliers must be determined to be eligible under the Pub. L. 480, title I program in order for their contracts to be eligible for CCC financing. A prospective commodity supplier must be engaged in the business of selling agricultural commodities for export from the United States. The commodity supplier must maintain a bona fide business office in the United States, and must have a person, principal or agent on whom service of judicial process may be had in the United States.

(2) Persons who wish to participate as commodity suppliers shall submit the following information to the Foreign Agricultural Service, Stop 1033, USDA, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20250-1033:

(i) A current financial statement of the prospective supplier, preferably an audited statement, as evidence of financial responsibility. Submission of a letter of reference from a bank is also encouraged.

(ii) A statement containing general background information about the firm, including the names and titles of the chief executive officers and a description of the firm's experience as an exporter of U.S. agricultural commodities. Copies of bills of lading supporting this statement are also requested.

(iii) Any other information requested relating to whether the prospective supplier is responsible and is able to perform its obligations under this part and the purchase authorization.

(3) If, at the time the commodity supplier reports the sale it is determined that an agent employed or engaged by a commodity supplier to obtain a contract is not a selling agent as defined in § 17.2, the sale will not be eligible for financing.

(b) Eligibility for financing. To be eligible for financing, commodity contracts must comply with the following requirements unless otherwise specified in the purchase authorization.

(1) Commodity contracts between suppliers and importers are considered to be conditioned on the approval by USDA of the contract price; conformance of the sale to the provisions of the purchase authorization; responsiveness of the offer to IFB terms; and compliance by the supplier and the selling agent, if any, with paragraph (a) of this section.

(2) Importers and suppliers must enter into contracts within the contracting period specified in the purchase authorization. The contracts must provide for deliveries to the importer in accordance with the delivery terms and during the delivery period specified in the purchase authorization, or any amendment or modification thereto.

(3) Contracts for a commodity, under a purchase authorization which limits delivery terms to f.o.b. or f.a.s., must be separate and apart from the contracts for ocean transportation of the commodity.

(4) The supplier's sales price may not exceed the prevailing range of export market prices as applied to the terms of sale at the time of sale, as determined by USDA. The “time of sale” is the date and time specified in the IFB for receipt of offers; or the date of the contract amendment if the amendment affects the sale price, as determined by USDA. The contract price may not be on a cost plus a percentage-of-cost basis.

(c) Contracting procedures—(1) Purchasing—general.

(i) Importers must purchase commodities on the basis of IFB's.

(ii) The participant shall maintain a record of all offers received from suppliers until the expiration of three years after final payment under contracts awarded under the purchase authorization. The GSM may examine these records or request specific information in connection with the offers.

(2) Invitations for bids. The following conditions shall apply on all purchases of commodities on the basis of IFB's:

(i) The General Sales Manager must approve the terms of the IFB before it is issued by the importer.

(ii) The importer shall issue the IFB in the United States and shall open all offers in public in the United States at the time and place specified in the IFB.

(iii) The IFB must permit submission of offers from all suppliers who meet the requirements of this subpart.

(iv) The IFB may not preclude offers for shipment from any United States port(s) unless the purchase authorization provides for exportation only from certain ports.

(v) The IFB may not establish minimum quantities to be offered or which will be considered.

(vi) The IFB must stipulate the responsibility for each party for payment of any costs not eligible for financing by CCC.

(vii) The IFB must be in compliance with this part, the purchase authorization, and sound commercial standards.

(3) Contract awards.

(i) The importer shall consider only offers which are responsive to the IFB and shall make awards either on the basis of the lowest commodity price(s) offered or on the basis of lowest landed cost. However, when vessels offered under the flag of the participant, the importing country or the destination country; or vessels controlled by the participant, the importing country or the destination country are to be used, the participant must purchase commodities for shipment on such vessels only on the basis of the lowest commodity price(s) offered. This limitation may, however, be waived by the GSM:

(A) When the lowest commodity price(s) offered are in locations where vessels cannot reasonably be made available without a substantial increase in freight costs to the participant;

(B) For small quantities offered at additional loading points (in aggregate not more than 15 percent of the total tonnage offered by a vessel); or

(C) Where this limitation would conflict with the purposes of the program.

(ii) For purposes of this section, “lowest commodity price(s)” means the lowest commodity price(s) offered for loading onto the type of vessel (dry bulk carrier, tanker, etc.) to be utilized to carry the commodity purchased.

(iii) For purposes of this section, “lowest landed cost” means the combination of commodity price and ocean freight rate resulting in the lowest total cost to deliver the commodity to the importing country, considering the quantity which must be shipped on privately owned U.S.-flag commercial vessels, as determined by the Director. Lowest landed cost may be defined on either a foreign flag or U.S. flag basis. Awards may not be made on the lowest landed cost basis unless IFB's are issued for commodity and ocean freight so that all commodity and ocean freight offers are reviewed simultaneously.

(iv) Participants are encouraged to purchase commodities on the basis of lowest landed cost when U.S. flag vessels are to be used. If such commodity purchases are not made on the basis of lowest landed cost (U.S. flag), ocean freight differential payments will nonetheless be calculated on the rates of U.S. flag vessels which would represent the lowest landed cost.

(v) Announcement of awards shall be made in the United States. The importer shall promptly submit to the Director copies of all offers received with a copy of the IFB which was issued. No sale can be approved for financing until this information has been received by FAS. The decision of the GSM shall be final regarding the responsiveness of offers to IFB terms in the awarding of contracts.

(d) Contract quantity eligible for financing. The quantity eligible for financing in the contract between the supplier and the importer may not exceed that quantity approved by the Pub. L. 480 Operations Division, FAS, including any approved contract tolerance.

(e) Contract disputes. Contracts between suppliers and importers should stipulate the responsibility of each party for payment of any costs not eligible for financing by CCC. Questions as to payment of ineligible costs should be resolved between the contracting parties.

(f) Contract provisions. Each contract entered into for financing under this part is deemed to include all terms and conditions required by the regulations in this part.

(g) Export Trade Act (Webb-Pomerene Law). A supplier who is a member of a Webb-Pomerene association and who enters into contracts with importers as a member of such an association shall so indicate in a statement on, or attached to, the copy of the supplier's detailed invoice referred to in § 17.9(c)(2).