7 CFR § 1720.12 - Reporting requirements.

§ 1720.12 Reporting requirements.

(a) As long as any guaranteed bonds remain outstanding, the guaranteed lender shall provide the Secretary with the following items each year within 90 days of the guaranteed lender's fiscal year end:

(1) Consolidated financial statements and accompanying footnotes, audited by independent certified public accountants;

(2) A review and certification of the security of the government guarantee, audited by reputable, independent certified public accountants or a federal banking regulator, who in the judgment of the Secretary, has the requisite skills, knowledge, reputation, and experience to properly conduct such a review;

(3) Pro forma projection of the guaranteed lender's balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows with detailed assumptions over the ensuing five years;

(4) Credit assessment issued by a rating agency, or such other evidence of creditworthiness as may be required by the Administrator under § 1720.5(b)(2);

(5) Credit rating, by a rating agency on its senior secured debt or its corporate credit rating, as applicable, without regard to the guarantee and satisfactory to the Secretary, or such other evidence of creditworthiness as may be required by the Administrator under § 1720.5(b)(2); and

(6) Other such information requested by the Secretary.

(b) As long as any guaranteed bonds remain outstanding, the guaranteed lender will provide the Secretary with the following items each quarter within seven (7) business days of the guaranteed lender's quarter end:

(1) A list of pledged collateral which includes borrowers' billing information, and other information reasonably requested by RUS.

(2) A list of the guaranteed lender's criticized loans within 30 days of the end of each calendar quarter.

(c) The bond documents shall specify such bond monitoring, and financial and internal audit reporting requirements relating to the pledged collateral as deemed appropriate by the Secretary.

(d) Leveraging data must be submitted to RUS within five (5) business days after the guaranteed lender publishes its 10-K or 10-Q form or financial statements, as applicable.

(e) The use of the proceeds of the guaranteed bonds for the construction of new projects is subject to the environmental review requirements in accordance with 7 CFR part 1970. Prior to the guaranteed lender using the proceeds of the guaranteed bonds to make loans to borrowers for the construction of new projects, the guaranteed lender must provide sufficient details about the proposed construction to RUS so it can comply with the environmental requirements of 7 CFR part 1970. The guaranteed lender is prohibited from using the proceeds of guaranteed bonds to fund loans to borrowers for new construction projects without RUS's written acknowledgment that the environmental requirements of 7 CFR part 1970 have been met with respect to each such project.

[69 FR 63049, Oct. 29, 2004, as amended at 75 FR 42575, July 22, 2010; 87 FR 74501, Dec. 6, 2022]