7 CFR § 1744.40 - Act purposes.

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§ 1744.40 Act purposes.

(a) Borrowers are encouraged to submit requests for accommodation of the Government's lien on the borrower's system in order to facilitate obtaining financing from private lenders for purposes provided in the RE Act.

(b) The Administrator will consider requests for the subordination of the Government's lien on after-acquired property which will enable borrowers to obtain financing from private lenders for purposes provided in the Act: Provided, however, that property integral to the operation of projects financed with loans made or guaranteed by RUS shall be financed with funds obtained through lien accommodations instead of lien subordinations, unless the Administrator determines that it is in the Government's interest to do otherwise.

[51 FR 32430, Sept. 12, 1986. Redesignated at 55 FR 39396, Sept. 27, 1990, and further redesignated at 66 FR 41760, Aug. 9, 2001]