7 CFR § 1752.13 - Reamortization of or rescheduling of the debt payments.

§ 1752.13 Reamortization of or rescheduling of the debt payments.

A reamortization or rescheduling of debt payments may be approved subject to the conditions set forth in this section. In order to request a reamortization or rescheduling of debt payments, the Borrower must make a showing that the Borrower does not have access to other sources of capital or alternatives for resolving the delinquency, and that the reamortization or rescheduling of debt payment will cure any existing or projected delinquency. Reamortizations or rescheduling of debt will be limited to 10 years beyond the original maturity date. Additionally, the following requirements must be met, as determined by RUS:

(a) The Borrower has cooperated with RUS in exploring alternative servicing options and has acted in good faith with regard to eliminating the delinquency and complying with its loan agreements and Agency regulations;

(b) Any management deficiencies identified by RUS have been corrected or the Borrower has submitted a plan acceptable to RUS to correct any deficiencies;

(c) The Borrower has presented a budget which clearly indicates that it is able to meet the proposed payment schedule and the reamortization or rescheduling of debt payments will ensure the continued financial viability of the Borrower;

(d) The Agency will consider the useful life of the facilities along with the level of debt service payments that the Borrower can contribute when determining the appropriate term to place on any reamortized loan; and

(e) Such other conditions as may be imposed by the Agency on a case-by-case basis, as determined by RUS.