7 CFR § 1752.17 - Sale or exchange of loan collateral.

§ 1752.17 Sale or exchange of loan collateral.

A cash sale of all or a portion of a Borrower's assets or an exchange of security property for Borrowers in a distressed situation may be approved subject to the conditions set forth in this section. In order to request assistance under this section, the Borrower must make a showing that the sale or exchange of collateral is in the best interest of the Government to avoid a substantial loss to the Government. Additionally, the following requirements must be met, as determined by RUS:

(a) If a sale of all of the assets, that the consideration is for the full amount of the debt or the present fair market value as determined by an independent appraiser that has been approved by RUS, and which addresses any conditions of the appraisal as may be imposed by RUS; and

(b) If the sale is for a portion of the assets, that the remaining property is adequate security for the loan and that the transaction will not adversely affect the Agency's security position; and provided that any proceeds remaining after paying reasonable and necessary selling expenses, as approved by the Agency in advance, are to be used for the following purposes:

(1) Repayment of the RUS debt, and other non-RUS debt if secured by a parity lien with the Agency; and/or

(2) Improvement of the broadband network or other facilities of the Borrower, including customer premise equipment and other equipment needed to upgrade the broadband network, if necessary to improve the Borrower's ability to repay the loan; and

(c) Any grant assets in the sale of collateral that were financed with Agency grants must follow the disposition rules as stated in the Loan Documents or Grant/Loan Documents.