7 CFR § 1955.105 - Real property affected (CONACT).

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§ 1955.105 Real property affected (CONACT).

(a) Loan types. Sections 1955.106-1955.109 of this subpart prescribe procedures for the sale of inventory real property which secured any of the following type of loans (referred to as CONACT property in this subpart): Farm Ownership (FO); Recreation (RL); Soil and Water (SW); Operating (OL); Emergency (EM); Economic Opportunity (EO); Economic Emergency (EE); Softwood Timber (ST); Community Facility (CF); Water and Waste Disposal (WWD); Reserve Conservation and Development (RC&D); Watershed (WS); Association Recreation; EOC: Rural Renewal; Water Facility; Business and Industry (B&I); Rural Development Loan Fund (RDLF); Intermediary Relending Program (IRP); Nonprofit National Corporation (NNC); Irrigation and Drainage; Shift-in-Land Use (Grazing Association); and loans to Indian Tribes and Tribal Corporations. Homestead Protection, as set forth in Subpart S of Part 1951 of this chapter, is only applicable to Farmer Program loans as defined in § 1955.103 of this subpart.

(b) Controlled substance conviction. In accordance with the Food Security Act of 1985 (Pub. L. 99-198), after December 23, 1985, if an individual or any member, stockholder, partner, or joint operator of an entity is convicted under Federal or State law of planting, cultivating, growing, producing, harvesting, or storing a controlled substance (see 21 CFR Part 1308, which is Exhibit C to Subpart A of Part 1941 of this chapter and is available in any Rural Development office, for the definition of “controlled substance”) prior to a credit sale approval in any crop year, the individual or entity shall be ineligible for a credit sale for the crop year in which the individual or member, stockholder, partner, or joint operator of the entity was convicted and the four succeeding crop years. Applicants will attest on Form RD 410-1, “Application for RD Services,” that as individuals or that its members, if an entity, have not been convicted of such crime after December 23, 1985.

(c) Effects of farm property sales on farm values. State Directors will analyze farm real estate market conditions within the geographic areas of their jurisdiction and determine whether or not the sale of the Rural Development farm inventory properties will have a detrimental effect on the value of farms within these areas. Such analysis will be carried out in January of each year and as often throughout the year as necessary to reflect changing farm real estate conditions. If the analyses of farm real estate conditions indicate that such sales would put downward pressure on farm real estate values in any area, all farm properties within the area affected will be withheld from the market and managed in accordance with the provisions of Subpart B of this Part until such time that a subsequent analysis indicates otherwise. The State Director will notify, in writing, the County Supervisor(s) servicing those areas that are restricted from selling farm inventory property. State Directors in consultation with other lenders, real estate agents, auctioneers, and others in the community will analyze all available information such as:

(1) The number of farms and acres that Rural Development expects to acquire in inventory.

(2) The number of farms and acres other lenders expect to acquire in inventory.

(3) The number of farms and acres that Rural Development currently has in inventory.

(4) The number of farms and acres other lenders currently have in inventory.

(5) The number of farms not included in paragraphs (c)(3) and (c)(4) of this section which are currently listed for sale.

(6) Published real estate values and trend reports such as those available from the Economic Research Service or professional appraisal organizations.

(d) Highly erodible land. If farm inventory property contains “highly erodible land,” as determined by the SCS, the lease must include conservation practices specified by the SCS and approved by Rural Development as a condition for leasing. Refer to § 1955.137(d) of this subpart for implementation requirements.

[53 FR 35777, Sept. 14, 1988, as amended at 57 FR 19528, May 7, 1992; 58 FR 58649, Nov. 3, 1993; 62 FR 44399, Aug. 21, 1997]