7 CFR § 1980.1206 - Application process and public notice requirement.

§ 1980.1206 Application process and public notice requirement.

(a) Initial notification to agency for all programs. Applicants seeking to use program funds for eligible purposes under § 1980.1205 must inform the RD agency at the time of application, except for Smart Grid loans authorized under the RE Act and 7 CFR part 1710. This is to determine that sufficient funding is available in the applicable program to consider funding this special broadband authority in addition to the underlying RD project.

(b) Notice for retail broadband. All applicants that use special broadband authority to provide retail broadband service must provide the following information, which will be posted publicly on RUS' fully searchable website, in addition to the identity of the applicant and the status of the application:

(1) A description of the proposed retail broadband project;

(2) A map of the proposed service area to be funded under smart utility authority of the applicant;

(3) The amount and type of support requested by the applicant;

(4) The estimated number and proportion of service points in the proposed service territory without fixed broadband service, whether terrestrial or wireless; and

(5) Any other information required of the applicant in a funding notice.

(c) Information available to the public for approved applications. For applications that are approved for the provision of retail broadband service under the special broadband authority, the following information will be made available to the public:

(1) The information provided in paragraph (a) of this section;

(2) Each annual report required under § 1980.1209, which will be redacted to protect any proprietary information; and

(3) Such other information as the Administrator of the RUS deems sufficient to allow the public to understand the assistance provided.

(d) Alternative methods of public notice. The Administrator of the RUS will provide instructions on the RUS website for alternative methods of public notice and responses by existing service providers related to projects seeking funding under the special broadband authority where the Administrator determines that existing procedures and systems used by applicants to RUS' broadband programs would be impracticable, costly, or impose excessive delay.

(e) Additional requirements for guarantees, intermediaries and revolving loan programs. In addition to paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section, participants and recipients of funds from eligible RD guarantee, intermediary, and revolving loan programs set forth in § 1980.1204 shall be subject to the following requirements:

(1) No funds may be issued by program participants to recipients for special broadband authority without written approval from the Awarding Agency.

(2) Recipients must apply for special broadband authority on a project-by-project basis through program participants. Program participants shall serve as the applicant to the Awarding Agency and shall be responsible for ensuring that the public notice, reporting and other requirements of this part are contained in applicable agreements between the participant and the recipient.