7 CFR § 201.75 - Interagency certification.

§ 201.75 Interagency certification.

Interagency certification may be accomplished by participation of more than one official certifying agency in performing the services required to certify a lot of seed.

(a) The certifying agency issuing labels for all classes of certified seed shall require the seed on which the labels are used to meet standards at least equal to the minimum genetic standards for the seed in question as specified in Table 5 of this part.

(b) Seed to be recognized for interagency certification must be received in containers carrying official certification labels, or if shipped for processing, evidence of its eligibility from another official certifying agency, together with the following information:

(1) Variety and kind;

(2) Quantity of seed (pounds or bushels);

(3) Class of certified seed;

(4) Inspection or lot number traceable to the previous certifying agency's records.

(c) Each label used in interagency certification shall be serially numbered or carry the certification identity number and clearly identify the certifying agencies involved, the variety, and the kind and class of seed. The seed lot number or other identification number, the kind, and variety name shall appear on the official label and/or directly on the container in a position to be viewed in conjunction with the official certification label.

[38 FR 25662, Sept. 14, 1973; 38 FR 26800, Sept. 26, 1973, as amended at 65 FR 1710, Jan. 11, 2000; 76 FR 31795, June 2, 2011; 85 FR 40583, July 7, 2020]