7 CFR § 215.9 - Effective date for reimbursement.

§ 215.9 Effective date for reimbursement.

(a) A State Agency, or FNSRO where applicable, may grant written approval to begin operations under the Program prior to the receipt of the application from the School Food Authority or child-care institution. Such written approval shall be attached to the subsequently filed application, and the agreement executed by the School Food Authority or child-care institution shall be effective from the date upon which the School Food Authority or child-care institution was authorized to begin operations: Provided, however, That such effective date shall not be earlier than the calendar month preceding the calendar month in which the agreement is executed by the State Agency or by the Department.

(b) Reimbursement payments pursuant to § 215.8 shall be made for milk purchased and served to children at any time during the effective period of an agreement between a School Food Authority or child care institution and the State agency or the Department.

(Sec. 11, Pub. L. 95-166, 91 Stat. 1337 (42 U.S.C. 1772, 1753, 1766))
[32 FR 12587, Aug. 31, 1967, as amended by Amdt. 5, 37 FR 14686, July 22, 1972; Amdt. 13, 39 FR 28417, Aug. 7, 1974; Amdt. 16, 43 FR 1060, Jan. 6, 1978; 44 FR 10700, Feb. 23, 1979]