7 CFR § 25.403 - Ongoing 2-year work plan requirement.

§ 25.403 Ongoing 2-year work plan requirement.

(a) Each Empowerment Zone and Enterprise Community shall prepare and submit annually, work plans for the subsequent 2-year interval of the designation period.

(b) The 2-year work plan shall be submitted to USDA 45 days prior to the start of the applicable 2-year period.

(c) The 2-year work plan must include the following sections and content:

(1) Section 1—Work Plan. Identify the benchmark goals to be achieved in the applicable 2 years of the strategic plan, together with the benchmark activities to be undertaken during the applicable 2 years of implementation. Include references to the applicable baseline conditions and performance indicators to be used in assessing performance.

(2) Section 2—Operational Budget. For each benchmark activity to be undertaken in the applicable 2 years of the strategic plan, set forth the following information:

(i) Expected implementation costs;

(ii) Proposed sources of funding and whether actual commitments have been obtained;

(iii) Technical assistance resources and other forms of support pledged by Federal, State and local governments, non-profit organizations, foundations, private businesses, and any other entity to assist in implementation of the community's strategic plan, and whether this support is conditional upon the designation of the community as an Empowerment Zone; and

(iv) Documentation of applications for assistance and commitments identified as proposed funding and other resources.